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Apr 27

Posted on Sunday, April 27, 2014 in Uncategorized

April 2014

Children-HeaderThe PEACE Newsletter

News About the Malawi team who
Protects, Empowers, Advocates for the Children & their Education

Latest News

March was a very busy month in Malawi! Streetchildren

  • We had our Annual General Meeting (AGM) for our ministry and it was well attended with 33 leaders/teachers/parents/directors from various organizations we partner with.
  • Dr. Sandy Chiphaliwali along with Nurse and Owner of Nyambadwe Hospital, Gertrude Kumwenda, presented to 29 girls and 11 parents/guardians from our Kings Kids Program. Gertrude and Sandy shared about Nehemiah and related the story of the walls of Jerusalem being broken down and the vulnerability that presented to the HIV/AIDS threat. The disease, how it can be transferred and Mountain tophow the girls can prevent it were all discussed, including warnings to the girls and their parents about specific dangers.
  • We had 72 parents/guardians and girls attend a program on abuse prevention in March. We began with worship, scripture from Nehemiah, and prayer. The girls and guardians watched a movie highlighting sexual abuse and prevention. Tandu spoke with them about the issue in depth and the DrSandyparents/guardians and girls were very attentive. You can see by the picture on the right that this was welcomed information. This was a serious session. We asked them to bring the information back to their communities and churches.
  • Joyce Kasamba from Feed the Children Rehabilitation Center sent her (O.T.) interns in to spend time with us at the school to see what Montessori education is all about and how it can work with children with special needs.
  • I have been praying on what God has for me next. I climbed up the mountain to pray and what did Land2I find unexpectedly? Children! Twelve of them! I had the sweetest time chatting, praying, singing and dancing with them on top of the mountain. See picture of six of them to the right.

WAY Ministries/Zikomo Yesu Enterprises – Children’s Center

Below is a rough timeline of the Children’s Center. Please pray that doors begin to open!

  • April 2014 – Purchase the land
  • May 2014 – Construction on the wall begins
  • June 2014 – School building plans approved by City
  • July 2014 – Begin infrastructure for water and electricity
  • September 2014 – Begin school building construction
  • December 2014 – School construction complete

Prayer Requests

  1. Please be praying for the land we believe is the land God wants us to purchase.
  2. Continue to pray for the Kings Kids who are some of the most vulnerable that we serve.
  3. Please pray that the trainings and education people received are shared with others.


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