Malawi 2010 – Please Pray!
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your love and support! I leave for Malawi on January 4th. I will be gone 5 months. Please pray for me and for my Malawi Core Team Members as we seek God’s direction, wisdom and strength to deliver on the vision and the plans.
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” Luke 1:37
We believe God is calling us to fulfill the following plans for ministry in Malawi in 2010.
January 2010
- Establish a non-profit ~Malawi On Mission
- Malawi Montessori Christian School and Teacher Training Center-Continue & Improve
- Teacher Intership Program-Continue & Improve
- Malawi ABC Project-Continue and Improve
- Formal Leadership and Teacher Trainings- Continue & Improve
February 2010
- Purchase the building and land for Christian Leadership Training Center. (CLTC)
- Begin Christian Discipleship and Leadership Training
March 2010
- Lakeside Impact Team Arrives: providing special education training and support for parents, teachers, and school directors of children with special needs. The team will also be introduced to the community based orphan care centers and government education system.
- Construction to begin on site to finish the living quarters of the Training Center.
April & May 2010
- Continue the physical construction and program development of the ministry and Christian Leadership Training Center.
Please pray for our Malawi Core Team and for our pastors and missionaries currently at the site in Ndirande, Malawi! Please pray for Acts III Global Ministry Director and board who we are in negotiations with to purchase the building and land.
Malawi Core Team: Pastor Jeff Kreiser, Scott Davis, Kelsey Zeigler, Cindy Dickson, Lynn Merritt, Jose Flores, and myself, Maribeth Leineke
Pastors, Teachers and Missionaries Currently On-Site: Pastor Aubrey Kalima, Pastor Brown, Claudia and James Maliscalco (missionaries), Tisu Mwanza, Madalo Kalima, Jane Kaonjezere, Jane Kabambe(teachers), Bambo Weta Weta and Inus (the guard and his wife) .
Acts III Director, Randy McEwen and wife, Julie. Board Members: Pastor Walt and Michael Dant.
Thank you! Love, Maribeth