Africa ABC Initiative – Reviewing our beautiful history!

Pegi Scarlet initiated Africa ABC in May 2009 Thank you Pegi for following Jesus!

To be honest I thought painting the community based childcare center walls with the abcs was just a cute feel good idea, until I saw it transform the environment. Members of May 2009 impact team at Madalitso Center.

Cindy Dickson and Pam Loomis painting Chifundo III in 2009. These ladies return to Malawi this July 2011. Pegi Scarlet (far rt) Zikomo Pegi!

In May of 2009, I hired James Machila to continue painting the walls of the community based child care centers. Today, James Machila is the Director of the Africa ABC Initiative. He supervises five staff members (and one American missonary-Kelsey) and the five programs that are now operating under this initiative. James Machila , Jesus loves you! Thank you for serving Him with great wisdom and joy!

Madalitso Community Based Child Care Center today July 2011. See our Africa ABC CBCC Coordinator, Paul Nyirenda, on the left. He is now in James's position and taking it up a notch! Paul, you are doing amazing work for Jesus! And we love you so much!

Paul, clearly you are one of a kind! Paul has worked with the centers to develop Montessori materials. This year all centers will receive the gift of shelves & organizational baskets, more books and Montessori materials as our Ministry and NGO seeks to expand its impact on early childhood education in Ndirande. Amen!

James Machila (left) oversees the five programs of the Africa ABC Initiative. Our focus with this initiative is to bring Jesus into education, business, and health care. We know that when the people of God are operating with and bringing the wisdom and principles of God into places of darkness, miracles happen.

Yamikani Tambala is our Director of Hospital Ministry and spends five days a week at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital praying over children and parents/guardians in the pediatric wards. This gentle and intelligent guy is a bright light shining everywhere he goes. Thank you Yamikani!

Simon Nkhambala is our Director of Children's Ministry. He teaches the teachers at the community based child care centers how to teach the Bible to the children. He visits with 325 children weekly to share about Jesus and worship. I wish you could see these three year olds reciting verses from the word of God. Simon has also saved up his money to start his own Montessori nursery school in Ndirande. His center teachers are the women whom he went to Bible school with.

Kids worshipping at Simon's center. Simon and Yamikani also lead our community Bible outreach events. Zikomo Simon!

Kelsey, Abby and Josefina, hot and sweaty and making a huge impact where the streets have no name. Kelsey, you are my biggest mpatso! I love you so much!

Abgail Napuwa (photo), Master Litchowa, & Kelsey Zeigler are Special Needs Team that are working with physically challenged children in Ndirande. They work in partnership with Josefina Mussa from Chikondi Disability Center to support the parents of these children. Here is Abby at a home visit. God connected us with Anna and Andy Checkley from the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Base in Blantyre. Anna is an occupational therapist who has been volunteering with our team. We have been blessed to be able to continue to reach these children. Our special needs focus began in March of 2010 with our special needs team visit from California. Prayer, therapy equipment development, parent/guardian encouragement, assessment and therapy are a weekly part of this ministry. When I see what God is doing through this team effort, my heart is full. The Special Needs Team is now expanding to partner with Feed the Children Rehabilitation Center on the same campus as our school. God has great plans for these kids.

Master serves as part of our Special Needs Team and with our ministry partner, STEKA. God Knows and his wife Helen, raise 35 kids that have been rescued from the streets of Blantyre. We believe that a family who loves God is the most powerful model for healing a broken heart. For more information about this ministry partner go to