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Malawi Montessori Project » 2012 » August
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Our Nature Adventures! Zikomo Deb & Jim!

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

A big thank you to Jim and Deb House for bringing Project Wild to Malawi this past June! Our children at our Montessori Christian Nursery & Primary had a very unique and rare opportunity to experience the beauty of their own country. Most of our children have not traveled beyond their town of Ndirande. Many of our staff members never had the opportunity to see their own country as well. Jim and Deb trained our school staff on how to teach the study of nature and conservation in interesting and active ways. It is our great  hope and prayer that our children, who will lead the country of Malawi in the future, will develop a profound respect and advocacy for the natural resources of their country. God made us stewards of this planet. We need to take this responsibility seriously. I hope these pictures inspire you and make you smile! peace, maribeth

Let the adventure begin! Deb and Jim spent lots of time preteaching plant and animal concepts through Project Wild.

Let the adventure begin! Deb and Jim spent lots of time preteaching plant and animal concepts through Project Wild. The children were very interested.

Nature games in preparation of our trips!

Nature games in preparation of our trips!

Inside the class studying seed dispersal!

Inside the class studying seed dispersal!

Collecting seeds for examination!

Collecting seeds for examination!

Prey and preditor! The staff enjoyed the practice too!

Prey and preditor! The staff enjoyed the practice too!



Making friends is what we do! Learning to love and learn together!

Making friends is what we do! Learning to love and learn together!

Our students loved the preparation for our adventures out into their country. The fieldtrips brought a new level of love and friendships. We believe all children can learn in an environment of peace, love, and encouragement. Children can heal in an environment of acceptance and love.

Our students loved the preparation for our adventures out into their country. The fieldtrips brought a new level of love and friendships. We believe all children can learn in an environment of peace, love, and encouragement. Children can heal in an environment of acceptance and love.

And the adventures begin... 36 people on a bus for 24! (Big Smiles!)

And the adventures begin... 36 people on a bus for 24! (Big Smiles!)

Big Smiles from our staff, Hilda and Tisu as they see the animals at Nyala Park. A very special thank you to Sean Saunders for our entrance to the Park!

Big Smiles from our staff, Hilda and Tisu as they see the animals at Nyala Park. A very special thank you to Sean Saunders for our entrance to the Park!

From zebra to wildebeast to giraffe, they saw the wild animals of their country and these memories will live in their hearts and minds forever!

From zebra to wildebeast to giraffe, they saw the wild animals of their country and these memories will live in their hearts and minds forever!

What a great bus adventure! Beatrice, standing next to Tisu, is our newest teacher in Paw Paw class.

What a great bus adventure! Beatrice, standing next to Tisu, is our newest teacher in Paw Paw class.

Our children had some special treats along the way! Birds on a stick!

Our children had some special treats along the way! Birds on a stick!

Climbing to the top of Mount Mulanje, third highest mountain on the continent of Africa.

Climbing to the top of Mount Mulanje, third highest mountain on the continent of Africa.

On top! Half the group went to the waterfalls and half to the top. Wow, they look tired!

On top! Half the group went to the waterfalls and half to the top. Wow, they look tired!

Mount Mulanje! Beautiful and majestic!

Mount Mulanje! Beautiful and majestic!

Top of the Zomba Plateau! A special thank you to Auswald from Malawi Wildlife and Conservation Society!

Top of the Zomba Plateau! A special thank you to Auswald from Malawi Wildlife and Conservation Society!

Being quiet in the wonder of creation. Falls at Zomba.

Being quiet in the wonder of creation. Falls at Zomba.

The children traveled back late each evening. Here is a Malawian sunset for you! There is nothing like it.

The children traveled back late each evening. Here is a Malawian sunset for you! There is nothing like it.

Our Paw Paw students, the youngest children, had a very special field trip to St. Andrews Primary School's Farm. They encountered little and big creatures for the first time. A big thank you to Peter Slone, Headmaster, and Sarah Wiggin, teacher, for making this happen for our children.

Our Paw Paw students, the youngest children, had a very special field trip to St. Andrews Primary School's Farm. They encountered little and big creatures for the first time. A big thank you to Peter Slone, Headmaster, and Sarah Wiggin, teacher, for making this happen for our children.

First horse!

First horse!

First turtle and first turtle feeding!

First turtle and first turtle feeding!

Turtle love!

Turtle love!

Bunny love!

Bunny love!

Geese and Turkey encounter!

Geese and Turkey encounter!

It was the best day ever!

It was the best day ever!

Africa ABC Initiative- Impacting a Community

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized
We love you Simon Nkambala! Simon is our Children's Bible Director. He trains teachers at the Community Based Child Care Centers on how to teach Bible stories and the Word of God to the children at these centers. He is working with seven centers that serve 40-150 children each. Here is Simon carrying books and t-shirts for a special day at Samaritans Trust. Samaritans Trust is a local organization that houses, educates and provides vocational training for 110 children from the streets of Blantyre.

We love you Simon Nkambala! Simon is our Children's Bible Director. He trains teachers at the Community Based Child Care Centers on how to teach Bible stories and the Word of God to the children at these centers. He is working with seven centers that serve 40-150 children each. Here is Simon carrying books and t-shirts for a special day at Samaritans Trust. Samaritans Trust is a local organization that houses, educates and provides vocational training for 110 children from the streets of Blantyre.













Our Africa ABC Intiative impacts children with disabilities (Master Litchowa), children at the pediatric wards at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Yamikani Tambala) and the children at our Community Based Child Care Centers ( Felix, Simon Nkhambala, and Paul Nyirenda).

Our Africa ABC Intiative impacts children with disabilities (Master Litchowa- left), children at the pediatric wards at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Yamikani Tambala- right) and the children at our Community Based Child Care Centers ( Felix, Simon Nkhambala, and Paul Nyirenda).

Paul Dancing with children at the Community Based Child Care Centers. We work in partnership with these centers to transform them into vibrant learning environments (Head Start Malawi).

Paul Dancing with children at the Community Based Child Care Centers. We work in partnership with these centers to transform them into vibrant learning environments (Head Start Malawi).

Teachers from the Community Based Child Care Centers come to our school and training center to strengthen their teaching skills and make materials to take back to their centers.

Teachers from the Community Based Child Care Centers come to our school and training center to strengthen their teaching skills and make materials to take back to their centers.

Visiting Community Based Child Care Centers weekly to encourage, pray for and teach.

Visiting Community Based Child Care Centers weekly to encourage, pray for and teach.

Simon telling Bible Stories!

Simon telling Bible Stories!

Felix helping teachers from CBCCCs with materials for their centers. Thanks Felix and welcome to our staff!

Felix helping teachers from CBCCCs with materials for their centers. Thanks Felix and welcome to our staff!

The CBCCC team, Paul and Felix have been responsible for painting educational artwork on the walls.

The CBCCC team, Paul and Felix have been responsible for painting educational artwork on the walls.

We work in partnership with the Community Based Child Care Centers in Ndirande to create vibrant learning environments. We are committed to the same goals for the children of Malawi. Amen!

We work in partnership with the Community Based Child Care Centers in Ndirande to create vibrant learning environments. We are committed to the same goals for the children of Malawi. Amen!

Master works with 31 families in Ndirande who have children with physical challenges. Together with our volunteer occupational therapist, Anna Checkley they serve these children through home visits to meet their spiritual and physical therapy needs. Master works with Josephina Mussa at Chikondi Center for Disabilities and Joyce Kasamba at Feed the Children Rehab Center. Master trains for women, who are mothers with children with physical challenges, to support these 31 families.

Master works with 31 families in Ndirande who have children with physical challenges. Together with our volunteer occupational therapist, Anna Checkley they serve these children through home visits to meet their spiritual and physical therapy needs. Master works with Josephina Mussa at Chikondi Center for Disabilities and Joyce Kasamba at Feed the Children Rehab Center. Master trains for women, who are mothers with children with physical challenges, to support these 31 families.

Yamikani works within the five pediatric wards at Queens to bring the love of Jesus to the sick children and guardians. A place that was once so dark, is truly coming into spiritual light with him being there. He counsels parents, preaches, praises, teaches and prays over the children and guardians.

Yamikani works within the five pediatric wards at Queens to bring the love of Jesus to the sick children and guardians. A place that was once so dark, is truly coming into spiritual light with him being there. He counsels parents, preaches, praises, teaches and prays over the children and guardians.

More of our CBCCCs!

More of our CBCCCs!

Inside Madalitso center! So sweet!

Inside Madalitso center! So sweet!

Madalitso you are doing a great job!

Madalitso you are doing a great job!

Internship Program – Yahoo!

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized
Jane Kabambe leads our internship program, a week-long introduction to Montessori education that is composed of both theory and practical application of the lessons with the children. Jane is so lovely and joyful and a serious instructor (smile).

Jane Kabambe leads our internship program, a week-long introduction to Montessori education that is composed of both theory and practical application of the lessons with the children. Jane is so lovely and joyful and a serious instructor (smile).











We work with non-profit, private and church organizations which are running preschools, to train their teachers in early childhood education. These partnerships are truly a two-way blessing that allow us to bless more teachers and impact more children.

We work with non-profit, private and church organizations which are running preschools, to train their teachers in early childhood education. These partnerships are truly a two-way blessing that allow us to bless more teachers and impact more children.

The interns practice their new skills with the children, who are the best teachers.

The interns practice their new skills with the children, who are the best teachers.

Practicing botany!

Practicing botany!

Our children are great teachers!

Our children are great teachers!

Teachers who fulfill the requirements for the week, leave with a certificate. Along with the internship program, we have a week of Montessori theory and leadership we present twice a year.

Teachers who fulfill the requirements for the week, leave with a certificate. Along with the internship program, we have a week of Montessori theory and leadership we present twice a year.

Graduation! Our Amazing Graduates!

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2012 in Uncategorized
Here are the first four graduates of our Montessori Early Childhood Education Program celebrating at their graduation this April 6th. From left to right: Hilda Mandota, Shabana Latif, Jane Kabambe, and Tisungane Howa.  Ladies, 340 hours of instruction and 540 hours of practical teaching, many exams, projects, papers, etc. you earned the diploma! Congratulations for your hard work!

Here are the first four graduates of our Montessori Early Childhood Education Program celebrating at their graduation this April 6th. From left to right: Hilda Mandota, Shabana Latif, Jane Kabambe, and Tisungane Howa. Ladies, 340 hours of instruction and 540 hours of practical teaching, many exams, projects, papers, etc. you earned the diploma! Congratulations for your hard work!












Here is Tisungane Howa, our director of the school and teacher training center, using her beautiful voice to praise the Lord for this amazing day!

Here is Tisungane Howa, our director of the school and teacher training center, using her beautiful voice to praise the Lord for this amazing day!










We had speeches, singing, dancing, delicious food and much much more. What a beautiful day! Here are our staff and current diploma students celebrating with the graduates!

We had speeches, singing, dancing, delicious food and much much more. What a beautiful day! Here are our staff and current diploma students celebrating with the graduates!










A very special thank you to the graduates' families and our current diploma students for blessing this celebration! Nazrana, thank you for all our decorations, etc. etc.! It looked beautiful!

A very special thank you to the graduates' families and our current diploma students for blessing this celebration! Nazrana, thank you for all our decorations, etc. etc.! It looked beautiful!

Hilda and family

Hilda and family

Tisu and her family!

Tisu and her family!

Shabana and her family!

Shabana and her family!

Jane Kabambe and her family!

Jane Kabambe and her family!

Lots of smiles!  Our staff is proud of you all! What a great accomplishment!

Lots of smiles! Our staff is proud of you all! What a great accomplishment! Master and James joining in the celebration.

Dancing! Yamikani Tambala, director of hospital outreach, and Jane!

Dancing! Yamikani Tambala, director of hospital outreach, and Jane!

Our children recited poems and sang songs as part of the celebration!

Our children recited poems and sang songs as part of the celebration!

This picture of Tisu sums up the day! Amen!

This picture of Tisu sums up the day! Amen!

Our Diploma Program-Practicum!

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2012 in Uncategorized


A special thank you to Hilda Mandota, who leads Paw Paw class and assists me and our diploma students in the practicum program. Hilda!  We love you and appreciate you!

A special thank you to Hilda Mandota, who leads Paw Paw class and assists me and our diploma students in the practicum program. Hilda! We love you and appreciate you!

Practice! Practice! Practice! Here are our diploma students at work practicing their new learning and skills with the children at our school. It is an extra blessing for our children at our school to have additional teachers to guide their learning. Hilda Mandota, who is our main Paw Paw Teacher (our 2 1/2- 6 year old class) has been instrumental in helping me with the diploma students this year. I could not supervise teachers and run the practicum program without her. Hilda! Zikomo! Zikomo! Zikomo! Great things are happening!
Maria and Caroline sorting student materials!

Maria and Caroline sorting student materials! Look at those smiles! Love you two!

Having our diploma students work during class time with our students really multiplies learning for our children!

Having our diploma students work during class time with our students really multiplies learning for our children!

Marcela teaching land, air and water and what creatures live where!

Marcela teaching land, air and water and what creatures live where!

Narzana working with Joshua on his  Montessori Word Building!

Narzana working with Joshua on his Montessori Word Building!

Jane Kabambe with one of our Paw Paw students! Parts of a seed lesson.

Jane Kabambe with one of our Paw Paw students! Parts of a seed lesson.

Bhavya working with Wisdom on number rods.

Bhavya working with Wisdom on number rods.

Our Diploma Program-Instruction!

Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 in Uncategorized

Our Ministry (Wa Yesu Ministries) is self-sustainable because of our three income generating activities. Our NGO is our income generating enterprise (Zikomo Yesu Enterprises). In order to continue to provide services to the children in our school and in the community, we have three income generating activities that allow us to generate Malawi Kwacha for Malawian Kids. We offer a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education together with our American accredited college, Montessori Training Center in California,  montessoritrainingcenter.net   Students must take course instruction and practice their skills within a Montessori classroom. Here are some amazing pictures of the teachers in the afternoon course instruction(340 hours- 9 courses)  They are an encouragement to me!!! They are an inspiration to me!!!!!  To all the past and present diploma students I send you a big kiss and hug! See you soon! Love, maribeth

Studying the history of the countries of the world!

Studying the history of the countries of the world!

Hands on learning is a vital part of Montessori education... Geography -Lake and Island! These diploma students are getting prepared to teach well!

Hands on learning is a vital part of Montessori education... Geography -Lake and Island! These diploma students are getting prepared to teach well! Jane, Hilda and Priya, what a beautiful world you are creating!

Maria'h we love you! Studying history (time) and geography with student created materials. And we learn how to sing our lessons too! "The earth goes around the sun, the sun, the earth goes around the sun. It takes 12 months, 32 weeks, 365 days. Woo!"

Maria'h we love you! Studying history (time) and geography with student created materials. And we learn how to sing our lessons too! "The earth goes around the sun, the sun, the earth goes around the sun. It takes 12 months, 32 weeks, 365 days. Woo!"

Shabana, we love you! Waving our precious flag of Malawi!

Shabana, we love you! Waving our precious flag of Malawi!

Practice makes perfect! Botany! Botany! Teachers practice the Montessori materials and lessons in partners and small groups. They demonstrate the lessons to each other. They have great love and joy in their learning. Evone Azraa, we love you!

Practice makes perfect! Botany! Botany! Teachers practice the Montessori materials and lessons in partners and small groups. They demonstrate the lessons to each other. They have great love and joy in their learning. Evone Azraa, we love you!

Sabah and Azraa 2 (smile) working on the timeline of Dr. Maria Montessori in our Foundations course. Our students take their learning seriously!

Sabah and Azraa 2 (smile) working on the timeline of Dr. Maria Montessori in our Foundations course. Our students take their learning seriously!


In our Classroom Leadership & Environmental Design course we learn the roles and responsibilities of being a leader at our school sites.
In our Classroom Leadership & Environmental Design course we learn the roles and responsibilities of being leaders at our school sites.
Art Lesson Demonstration! Rubina and Nazrana we love you!

Art Lesson Demonstration! Rubina and Nazrana we love you!

Making Montessori math materials! Bhavya, we love you!

Making Montessori math materials! Bhavya, we love you!

Yumna and Azraa 2 practicing Montessori math! Ladies you are lovely!

Yumna and Azraa 2 practicing Montessori math! Ladies you are lovely!

Hanging Teen Board and lots of fun and love!

Hanging Teen Board and lots of fun and love!

Priya and Rubina practicing Sensorial Lessons.

Priya and Rubina practicing Sensorial Lessons.

Evone Azraa leading her fellow students through a Montessori math lesson. Practice, practice, practice!

Evone Azraa leading her fellow students through a Montessori math lesson. Practice, practice, practice!

Azraa 2 (smile) demonstrating the tens board. Right on!

Azraa 2 (smile) demonstrating the tens board. Right on!

Marcela demonstrating the Stamp Game introduction to fellow students. Great job!

Marcela demonstrating the Stamp Game introduction to fellow students. Great job!

Evone Azraa leading a small practice group in Stamp Game Addition. Well done!

Evone Azraa leading a small practice group in Stamp Game Addition. Well done!

Big smiles when assignments are being completed! The diploma course is inspiring, but students work very hard to complete their many assignments, projects, and written and demonstration exams.  Our students truly enjoy partner work and small group work. Lots of learning takes place! And at the end of the program, they are ready to teach! I am proud of you all!

Big smiles when assignments are being completed! The diploma course is inspiring, but students work very hard to complete their many assignments, projects, and written and demonstration exams. Our students truly enjoy partner work and small group work. Lots of learning takes place! And at the end of the program, they are ready to teach! I am proud of you all!

Nazrana during her Montessori Math final exam. Every course has a practice component, and a written or demonstration exam or both.

Nazrana during her Montessori Math final exam. Every course has a practice component, and a written or demonstration exam or both.

Small group work is fun and a great learning method! And it is a great way to make new friends too!
Small group work is fun and a great learning method! And it is a great way to make new friends too!
Priya and Evone Azraa demonstrating Morning Circle and History! Yahoo!
Priya and Evone Azraa demonstrating Morning Circle and History! Yahoo!
More math practice! Priya, make them work hard!
More math practice! Priya, make them work hard!
Jane Kabambe! Our cultural leader! We love you!

Jane Kabambe! Our cultural leader! We love you!

Do not underestimate our staff members, Tisungane Howa or Jane Kabambe. Jane, our school's head teacher, has taken over the Internship Program and plays a significant leadership role in our Leadership Training. Tisu, who is our Director of the School and Teacher Training Center, is now a Montessori consultant. They both graduated with a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education this April. Ladies! Sending you prayers and hugs!

Do not underestimate our staff members, Tisungane Howa or Jane Kabambe. Jane, our school's head teacher, has taken over the Internship Program and plays a significant leadership role in our Montessori & Leadership Training Week. Tisu, who is our Director of the School and Teacher Training Center, is now a Montessori consultant. They both graduated with a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education this April. Ladies! Sending you prayers and hugs!

We are so grateful for our diploma students, who will become the next Montessori teachers in our beautiful country of Malawi. Many children will be impacted by their love of teaching and love of children.
A very special thank you to Eileen Perkins, Montessori professor from Montessori Training Center, Shingle Springs, California, for coming to Malawi and teaching Practical Life to our diploma students. We love you Eileen!

A very special thank you to Eileen Perkins, Montessori professor from Montessori Training Center, Shingle Springs, California, for coming to Malawi and teaching Practical Life to our diploma students. We love you Eileen!

Eileen, your joy, encouragement and excellent instruction, was a blessing to us all!

Eileen, your joy, encouragement and excellent instruction, was a blessing to us all!

Thank you Eileen for sharing the rigor and love of Montessori education with us in Malawi. Here is Eileen observing and evaluating our diploma candidates. I am committed to bringing the best of this education to Malawi for the children and the future teachers.

Thank you Eileen for sharing the rigor and love of Montessori education with us in Malawi. Here is Eileen observing and evaluating our diploma candidates. I am committed to bringing the best of this education to Malawi for the children and the future teachers.

A very special thank you to Paul Nyirenda, who has helped me tremendously with all the diploma program duplications. I could not do it without your help! Paul you are so patient, loyal and hardworking! I appreciate you soooooo much! p,mb
A very special thank you to Paul Nyirenda, who has helped me tremendously with all the diploma program duplications. I could not do it without your help! Paul you are so patient, loyal and hardworking! I appreciate you soooooo much! p,mb
 Thank you all!  love, maribeth

Montessori Christian Nursery & Primary

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in Uncategorized
Montessori Math

Montessori Math in our 2 1/2 to 6 year old children's classroom called Paw Paw.










Hilda Mandota is our main teacher in Paw Paw. She is amazing!!!  And she is now assisting me in supervising the diploma students who complete their practicum phase of their diploma program in her class. Hilda earned her diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education this April! She is lovely! Sending you my love, Hilda!

Hilda Mandota is our main teacher in Paw Paw. She is amazing!!! And she is now assisting me in supervising the diploma students who complete their practicum phase of their diploma program in her class. Hilda earned her diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education this April! She is lovely! Sending you my love, Hilda!








Buddy Bear visited for the day!

Buddy Bear visited for the day to see our children learning in our Mango Class (6-9 yr olds) and Guava Class (9-12 yr olds). The children loved the visit!

Boys in Mango!

Boys in Mango!

Lots of love and peace at our school!

Lots of love and peace at our school!

Yamikani teaches Buddy about the 100 Board!

Innocent teaches Buddy about the 100 Board!

Doubt and Hopson washing practical life materials. Great job boys!

Doubt and Hopson washing practical life materials. Great job boys!

Our children learn at a very early age to be responsible for their own classroom. They love work!

Our children learn at a very early age to be responsible for their own classroom. They love work! They develop great confidence and pride in their own ability to organize and clean their classroom. Amen!

Metal Insets- Learning to form shapes and strengthen fine motor coordination is essential preparation for writing.

Metal Insets- Learning to form shapes and strengthen fine motor coordination is essential preparation for writing.

Montessori word building is captivating and motivating! Our children love to read and work independently at their own level and pace!

Montessori word building is captivating and motivating! Our children love to read and work independently at their own level and pace!

Paw Paw's busy classroom is also our training classroom for students in their practicum for a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education.

Paw Paw's busy classroom is also our training classroom for students in their practicum for a diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education.

We work hard, but we love to have fun also! Hey, where are all the girls? (smile)

We work hard, but we love to have fun also! Hey, where are all the girls? (smile)

Our older students have an extended day. In the afternoons they have their cultural lessons (botany, zoology, history, geography, Bible, P.E. and art). Jane Kabambe and Jane Jamu usually teach these lessons. This day we had our visiting friend and doctor, Ailsa Murray and our best bud, Pearl Banda, who is also our pastor's wife, teach about the heart and circulatory system. The children were captivated by the demonstrations.

Our older students have an extended day. In the afternoons they have their cultural lessons (botany, zoology, history, geography, Bible, P.E. and art). Jane Kabambe and Jane Jamu usually teach these lessons. This day we had our visiting friend and doctor, Ailsa Murray and our best bud, Pearl Banda, who is also our pastor's wife, teach about the heart and circulatory system. The children were captivated by the demonstrations.

Thank you Ailsa and Pearl for volunteering to come and teach! After the demonstrations, the children measured their heart beats and then ran around to see what happens to their heartbeat.

Thank you Ailsa and Pearl for volunteering to come and teach! After the demonstrations, the children measured their heart beats and then ran around to see what happens to their heartbeat.

Our Prayers & Planning for 2012

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in Uncategorized

2012 Goals 

God has told us to invest in deeper ways with our staff and ministry partners & to strengthen the quality of the services and support we are giving to the children we are impacting. We are not doing more this year, we are going to do it better. We are praying to have a more significant impact in the places we are investing.

Montessori Christian School


Parent Feedback Form to be designed

Parent Volunteer Hours (Projected 2,000 hours):

Parent Meetings (Projected 9):

Parent Workshop in Chichewa

Two Special Trainings/Celebrations for Parents:  

School Expansions (Projected Adding 17):

Adding teacher for Paw Paw- Hilda’s partner

Partnership with Blantyre Baptist (Looking at September)

Teacher Hired for 6 & 7 & 8 (Waiting)

Addition of Montessori Credentialed Christian Teacher from U.S. (praying)

School Registered with Dept Ed. by June

Malawian Curriculum Blend Documented & Implemented with Montessori

School (Paw Paw) Registered w/ Social Services:  

10 Students Earn Bibles at our school (20 scripture memorized):

Begin to provide nutritious snack/meal by May

Special field trips for each class- June


Teacher Training Center


Internship Program

30 Interns Participating

Projected 80% of Interns Rate 3 or better on Feedback Form

Special refresher course for CBCCS

Material Making Course for CBCCS


Diploma Program

17 paying clients, 2 Partial Scholarship, 1 Scholarship: 

4 Teachers graduate April 2012; 5 graduate in September 2012:

Two visiting professors to assist with Diploma instruction

MTTC  begins accreditation process in July  

Partnership formed with Malawian University Teacher Training Department


Two Leadership & Montessori Teacher Trainings (July/Dec.)

 70 Participants


Montessori Consulting Program

Designed by September

Implemented (3 requests):





Africa ABC Initiative



Projected 25 teachers at 5 centers receive instruction in teaching strategy:

Projected 25 teachers at 5 centers receive instruction in material making:

Projected 300 children at 5 centers receive educational support weekly:

Projected 4 centers receive educational artwork, furniture & materials:

Two progress review meetings with CBCC Directors 80% attendance:

Creation and implementation of simple assessment tool

Provide material development workshop for 25 cbccs teachers:

New staff member

300 Children reached weekly


Children’s Bible Outreach

Projected 20 teachers at 6 centers received Biblical Training:

Two Bible Outreaches: Ndirande (April & December 2012)

10 children have learned 15 Bible passages and earned children’s Bibles:

40% of children at CBCCs memorizing scripture

Provide Bible material design workshop for 6 Center teachers:

Special Needs Outreach to 50 families in December


Hospital Outreach

Provide spiritual support for children & guardians in 7 wards at QECH four days a week (30 hours):

On average praying over on average 20 children four times a week per day:

Addition of Guardian Parenting & Prayer session once a week 1 p.m.

Addition of Evangelism and Christian Equipping session once a week 1 p.m.

Supporting 5 pediatric nursing assistants that provide educational play to children with prayer with Bible materials:


Special Needs

Provide Assessment and therapy plans for 15 new children with special physical needs in Ndirande:

Provide on-going therapy and support for 27 original families (40 total both centers):

Provide Christmas outreach and gifts of love to 50 children and families:

Provide 4 parent leaders with training via videos & Joyce Kasambe or other OT:

Home visits 2xs a month

20 parents attend therapy review course

Consulting provided by professionally trained O.T.


Street Kids – Child Empowerment (We work in partnership to support the children.)

Working with City Pentecostal Church in Blantyre on special projects

STEKA K10,000 monthly for kids

Special Easter Outreach to Samaritans Trust

Support to STEKA with application and contracts


Zikomo Yesu Enterprises


Continued sustainability of ministry

Savings for payroll taxes and pension

Savings for land purchase

Land purchase






Sustainability by IGAs

Addition of 2-3 Staff Members

Purchase of Copiers & Toners

Donation of Lightweight/Superpowered Laptop

Our staff is rapidly learning computer skills

James Machila U.S. Sponsorship Completes 2nd Year in BA Program

Paul Nyirenda  U.S. Sponsorship Completes 6 months Community & Rural Development degree

Tisungane Howa earns a Diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education

Jane Kabambe earns a Diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education

Hilda Mandota earns a Diploma in Montessori Early Childhood Education

Jane Jamu begins Diploma Program- September 2012

Social Welfare formally recognizes our work our work in service to the children of Malawi

Department of Education formally recognizes our work in service to the children of Malawi

Campus turns True North to serve the children again in entirety. A true change.

Guthrie Bible College: Staff attends towards completion

Jeff Kreiser visits us and encourages us

250,000 in account in U.S. for land purchase

Self Evaluation & Supervision of Staff 11 months, 1x a month:

Results for 2011 Zikomo Team Yesu!

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in Uncategorized
A Beautiful Year of Reaching the Children for the Glory of God!

A Beautiful Year of Reaching the Children for the Glory of God!










2011 WAY Ministries/Zikomo Yesu Enterprises Goals & Accomplishments


We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for establishing us thus far and for His love, wisdom, and strength, by which He has helped us. We thank Him for His amazing provision and protection. We are forever grateful. We ask Him to continue to guide, protect, and empower us as we follow where He leads.


Ministry & NGO – Our year was marked by God’s grace & wisdom


  • Continued financial sustainability by IGAs (Malawi Kwacha for Malawi Kids)
  • Peaceful resolution to two employee issues & police case
  • Board changes submitted & approved in Lilongwe- Stable Board
  • WAY Ministry Registered in June
  • Leadership Development & Training of staff:
    • James Machila completes first year B.A. & in Training to be Executive Director
    • Tisungane Howa, Jane Kabambe & Hilda Mandota complete first year towards Montessori Diploma
    • Guthrie Bible College: Three of our staff attended Bible learning sessions at Guthrie
    • Our staff members are rapidly learning computer skills- 9/10 staff now working in Word; 3/10 in Excel; 1/10 in Publisher
  • Participation of two term partners from Lakeside Church:
    • Becca Dague (2 mo) Hospital Ministry Participation & Street Kids Ministry Start Up
    • Kelsey Zeigler (10 mo) Special Needs Program Start Up & Training; Street Kid Ministry Development; Staff computer training
  • Visiting support on mission from Lakeside Church:
    • Lynn Merritt& Cheryl Ramage- Easter Outreach & Evangelism with Guthrie Bible School & Our Staff
    • Cindy Dickson & Pam Loomis – Bible Outreach for Street Kids with City Pentecostal Church & Our Staff 


Montessori Christian School- Raising a generation of leaders who love Jesus & live by God’s principles & truth


  • Montessori School of 46 children  2 ½ to 13 year olds receiving a Christian Montessori education
  • Parent Volunteer Hours: 900 approximately
  • Parents together with staff built our pathway to the school
  • 9 Parent Meetings Held and 1 Parent Training
  • Moved School and Ministry office to better location on campus
  • Nursery School (Paw Paw) Registered w/ Social Services


Teacher Training Center- Investing in teachers who will love and guide the children


Internship Program

  • 26 in internship program
  • Village Training in Partnership with Miqlat: 7 staff trained


Diploma Program

  • 14 begin in 2011
  • 5 Teachers complete first 10 months.  
  • Four  graduate in April 2012


Two Leadership & Montessori Teacher Trainings (July/Dec.)

  • Staff ran two trainings with total of 69 participants


Africa ABC Initiative – Reaching out to impact a community with a demonstration of God’s love


Community Based Child Care Centers –Impacting education in partnership with CBCCCs

  • 18 teachers at 4 CBCCS received training in teaching strategy and material making impacting 300 children weekly
  • Two centers receive educational artwork, furniture & material


Children’s Bible Outreach – Reaching children with the Gospel

  • Teachers at 7 centers/schools received Biblical Training impacting 433 children
  • Two Bible Outreaches: Ndirande (April 2011) & Chikwawa (September 2011) 16,300 +6,537 children reached
  • Children’s Workers Trained in Chikwawa
  • Six centers receive Bible curriculum in Chichewa


Hospital Outreach- Began in 2011

  • Provides spiritual support for children & guardians in 5 pediatric wards and two specialty wards at QECH four days a week  


Special Needs – Expanded in 2011

  • Supporting therapy to 30-40 children with physical challenges weekly at two centers
  • Assessment and therapy plans for 31 children with special physical needs in Ndirande developed in partnership with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) volunteer and Occupational Therapist, Anna Checkley.                             
  • 20 parents attended therapy review course
  • Special Needs Ministry expands and new coordinator trained and now running program- Master Litchowa
  • Four parents receive stipend & training for on-going leadership & coordination at the two centers- Chikondi & FTC


Street Kids –Began in 2011

  • Staff Supported July 2011Team with week-long Bible Camp for 17 street kids in partnership with CPC.
  • Master, James, & Paul helped facilitate the organization and growth of CPC Sunday Outreach to kids from the street.
  • Began K10,000 monthly donation to STEKA in June.


Zikomo Yesu Enterprises – Our Non-profit & Business Development Branch


Sustainability!  Amen!!!!

Three IGAs










Site design by Seth Sanders.