Malawi-The Power of a Teacher
We are training teachers for two weeks in Montessori Early Childhood Education and Child Development. Our WAY Ministry Team of Teacher Trainers are leading powerfully!
Please remember us in your prayers and giving this season! Every little donation matters! You may think it is small, but God invented multiplication! Our goal is to secure our land for our Montessori Training Center. That is right! Plot NW Ndirande 424. Our goal is $51,500. This month of December! We are committed to impacting the education system of a nation. We train over 275 teachers yearly! God bless you!
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Choose Tab: Malawi Support (WAY Ministries)
Lakeside Church (916) 985-3245 Location: 745 Oak Ave. Parkway, Folsom, CA 95630
It is Growing Season
We give thanks this November for all of you who have invested in us!!!! We are growing! Our schools, our children and our ministry! Thank you all for your love, prayers and support for our work here in Malawi! We are growing and developing! Please see our two new classrooms full of children at our Montessori Christian Private School. Thank you for believing in us! Thank you for investing in our effort to positively impact education in the nation of Malawi through our ministry. Please enjoy the pictures of our children and staff serving Jesus by serving the children. A special thanks and blessing to our head teacher, Jane Jamu, who loves to see people and projects grow under her leadership!
Please pray for the provision for our purchase of plot NW 424, to rain down on us! This strategic piece of land will become the home for our Montessori Training Center. We are very serious about impacting the nation in education. This is what God has called us to do. This is our mission and vision! We will keep moving forward through every obstacle and take the land for Jesus. For we shall see the transformation of this nation and the township of Ndirande. For it is for this purpose we were established. Amen!
No Matter What
No Matter What Your Situation, there is always someone who is struggling more than you. A team of children from our Montessori Christian Nursery and Primary School visited our local hospital that serves the southern region- Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital. Their families, though in need themselves, donated soap and other basic needs to the children in the pediatric ward. The children played games and had an afternoon of learning together. I believe both groups of children learned about the love of God. For all of you adults- Today you will find someone who is in greater need than you. Your job is to focus on others. The world says comfort and entertain yourself, take care of yourself first, but Jesus says that you will find your life as you help others. Small acts of kindness, can make a huge difference to someone! As a very wise pastor said to me- You need to go off the grid. Shut off the noisy world and listen to God. May you listen to what God is saying to you today. He is talking. May your ears and eyes be attentive to His voice.
Nation Building- The Girl Child
Three of our top ministry leaders, Jane Kabambe, Jane Jamu and Beatrice Kondowe, who are in their second semester of college, earning their BA in Primary Education, decided to teach and inspire the girls in the village.
Village life is very tough for girls, in particular. Pressure, physical and sexual abuse, witchcraft and the fear of it, lack of support for education, early marriage (even at 13 years), lack of guardians and healthy supervision and guidance, illnesses and lack of good health care and all the physical demands of village life… it is tough.
I am so proud of our leaders who are role models for these girls, demonstrating that anything is possible with God. They spoke to the girls giving hope and encouraging them to focus on their education. Our leaders have a strong voice among these girls, having encountered the same challenges as young girls themselves. This is what they chose to do for their semester project.
The strength of a nation is in its leaders, who will set the course for future development. God bless you Jane K., Jane J, and Bea! You have inspired these girls and given them hope in your counseling sessions! You have reached down to provide a hand to the one behind you. In the future generations, they will lead. We are so proud of you all!!!
Please Partner in the Vision
We are securing a home for the future our work for the children and families of our township of Ndirande. We are committed to positively impacting these children and families and the education system through our Montessori Teacher’s College and Montessori Christian Nursery & Primary School. The land is for these two purposes. If you would like to partner with us to purchase our land, please see the details on our Special Projects- Land page. Thank you! God bless you!
Mission, Vision, Core Values & Strategy
Our Mission: To reach the children for the glory of God by honoring, understanding, and educating them to their God-given potential and by investing in, empowering and equipping those who care for them.
Our Vision: We are committed to a nation of children that love and fear God. We are committed to young people who are equipped and empowered to provide for themselves and contribute to the development of their nation of Malawi. We look forward to a nation full of teachers, parents and leaders who love, honor and understand children and who are passionately committed to advocating, protecting and educating them with great wisdom and care.
Our Core Values:
To bring glory to God in everything we do
To educate the future leaders of Malawi to love and fear God
and respect others.
To honor, value, and understand children and teach others to do so.
To empower, invest and equip parents, guardians, teachers, leaders, and families, to develop to their full-potential in Jesus and live lives that honor God.
To design our operations and systems under God’s authority and wisdom and according to Biblical principles of integrity and accountability.
Our Strategies:
Establish and operate a Montessori Christian schools
(nursery, primary, secondary, and university level)
Invest in leadership development of our staff, clients and partners.
Train teachers, parents, and leaders to love, honor and understand children.
Continued self-sustainability and God-given business and development strategies according to the Word of God.
Continue to invest in those under our care and reach out to the children in need in our communities through our committed partners.

They are on the way!!!
Kelsey is going to Malawi!!!
If you haven’t already heard, Kelsey is headed to Malawi! She and Maribeth, along with 14 suitcase full of materials, will be flying out of San Francisco on Saturday (August 16th).
Kelsey has committed to 2 years and will serve as an administrator for the private school. She is an answer to prayer as she not only assists with the school, but will be serving as a support to Maribeth and the staff of the other ministries.
Please keep her, Maribeth, the staff, and the children in your prayers. If you would like to support Kelsey in this mission, please contact Lakeside Church.