Christmas in Ndirande

Merry Christmas from Ndirande!
9000 Children in Ndirande received a small coloring book of the Christmas Story (John 3:16) in Chichewa thanks to the efforts of a committed team! Zikomo to Lakeside Church in California for the labels and bags! Zikomo to INDE Bank- Blantyre for sponsoring the duplication of 9000 books! (Chimwemwe! You made it happen!) Zikomo to Printer Palace-Blantyre for our very, very, very low cost duplication of the books! (Lynnette, we love you! And there are more projects together in our future!). Zikomo to Guthrie Bible College teachers and students for your loving an energetic teaching of God’s Word to the children and the distribution of the books! (You all are very special to us! Althea we are so grateful for your partnership). Zikomo to all my friends who donated crayons to the project! (Reshma, Annansa, Althea, etc. etc.) Zikomo to my friends and family and supporters for their prayers for this event!
And a final BIG ZIKOMO to the leaders and staff at Zikomo Yesu Enterprises/WAY Ministries-Malawi, who are willing to follow Jesus into the deep water and risk and sacrifice for the things that matter to God. My heart is full of pride and love for you all! 9000 precious children received a message of great hope and love because of you! They were told of their value as God’s children.
We pray that this message and seeds of God’s Word settle in their hearts and minds and grow. We pray that this simple book impacts the faith of their family members and friends. We pray that this demonstration of love spark an outpouring of generosity and sacrificial giving within Malawi and beyond.

Book preparation was a very big job!

Simon Nkhambala, our Children's Ministry Outreach Leader, led Christmas in Ndirande. You are awesome Simon!

A portion of our team at Guthrie getting ready to meet our teammates in Ndirande! Rock on!

We sang, danced, preached and

and taught the Word of God (Lydia is 15 years old). Youth leading youth!

And gave the children their present from Jesus!

Simon was so happy! And when Simon is happy, we know God has shown up!

It was a glorious day! Our team divided into five groups and went to five parts of Ndirande to share the message and distribute the books! ! 9000 books distributed in two and a half hours!

I ran around the town trying to find all our teams so I could take pictures, but all I found was evidence that they had been there. It was really inspiring!

The joy was contagious!
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