Meet Kelsey Zeigler , ambassador of Jesus Christ. Kelsey, we love you! Thank you for your love and service to the children living on the street. Thank you for your love of the WAY Ministries Outreach Team. You are making a difference with guardians and children with special needs! You are a bright light shining in the darkness for God! I am so happy to have you on the team! love, mb

Kelsey with our Director of Malawi Montessori Christian School & Teacher Training Center, Tisu Howa! We love you Tisu! And you are brilliant and lovely!

A big kiss and zikomo to Lynn at Printer Palace for sponsoring our Easter Outreach by duplicating 11,000 books about God's love for the children of Ndirande and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pediatric wards. Lynn, my heart is full! May our Savior and King download His blessings upon you and your husband. love, maribeth

Our Easter book was illustrated by four of our staff members! And it rocks! It is a children's coloring book of the Easter story and on the backside is a place for children to draw their pictures. It is a reminder of who they are in the Kingdom of God, as children of God. We are handing out packs of three crayons to go with the books. I don't who at Lakeside Church donated those 30,000 crayons, but I am sending you a BIG Malawian Kiss right now! May God bless you abundantly!

Three Saturdays of Children's Ministry Training presented by Guthrie Bible Training Centre leaders has empowered Bible students, our ministry team, and local committed Christians, to share the love and truth of God this coming Saturday with 10,000 children in our Easter Outreach. Thank you Rev. Althea Meyer and your leadership team for your love and unwaivering commitment to the children. Here the students are folding books and worshipping on our last training day this past Saturday. Amen! Go Team Jesus!

Praise God for Richard, Praise and Patrick, leaders from Guthrie Bible Training Center, who presented the trainings. Here are the students preparing their lessons for Saturday's outreach! Praise God for Simon Nkhambala and Yamikani Tambala, our team leaders for our Easter Outreach. We love you guys! And so does Jesus!

James Arnold Machila, is our Director of Outreach. He oversees a staff of four Malawian leaders and one American missionary, Kelsey Zeigler . Please continue to pray for him. God has big plans for him. Thank you for those who sponsored his first of four years at Share World University here in Malawi. He is getting his BA in Business & Administration. He is going to school and working for our ministry. We are GREATLY BLESSED by this humble servant of Jesus. We love you James!

Our Beautiful Malawian Outreach Team, from left to right, Abgail, Simon, James, Yamikani & Paul. God has brought us the most lovely people ever!

Half of our WAY Ministry Team! This is the Outreach Team! I will post pictures of our School & Teacher Training Center Team soon! peace and love, maribeth

Our Teaching Team meets Cheryl & Lynn! Party at Mary & Kelsey's nyumba (house).

Celebrating Friendships & Love! Beginning of staff party! I love our team!

Thank you Lynn & Cheryl for your love and service!

Thursday's preparation for Easter Saturday teaching, preaching and book distribution in Ndirande! Amen!

The kids helping prepare the books for the kids! Two of our team leaders on Saturday were 13 years of age! Right on!

Our Easter Outreach Team Leaders, Yamikani Tambala (Director of Hospital Ministry) and Simon Nkhambala (Director of Children's Ministry). We love these men! And they love Jesus!

Easter Saturday! 11,500 Children's Books about the Love of Jesus distributed (with three crayons each, praise God for our crayon people!) in Ndirande.