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Malawi Montessori Project » Special Projects – New Classrooms
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Special Projects – New Classrooms

THANK YOU for your support with the construction of two classrooms at our Montessori Christian Private School. They are finished and beautiful! We believe it is wisdom from God to engage in income generating work within our field of expertise (education) within Malawi, to provide for the work of the ministry in Ndirande. We have two revenue sources in Malawi that are fulfilling the vision God called us to: Our Montessori Training Center and Montessori Christian Private School. This school is one of our Practicum Sites for the teachers in our Montessori Diploma Program in Early Childhood Development. Amen!

Most immediately OUR NEED is to provide the furniture, school supplies, books, Montessori materials, tables, rugs, etc. for these two classrooms by Opening Day September 2nd, 2019. Please see the Donate page on how to help us with our budget. Please let Maribeth know you have donated for this specific purpose. maribeth@theocean.cc God bless you!!!

Site design by Seth Sanders.