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Malawi Montessori Project » 2010 » March
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Woo! Ha! Malawi March Team 2010 is AMAZING!

Posted on Sunday, March 28, 2010 in Uncategorized

To My Beautiful Family & Friends! The March Team is Rocking!

Check out our utube video on the link below, BUT get your tissues ready!

Great Pictures & Stories on These Blogs too! I am too busy with these crazy contributing people to give you a big update, so check out theirs!

Malawi March Team 2010 Blog:


Ann Delagnes Blog:


Jim House’s Blog


Get your tissues and watch Ann Delagnes’s video of our team’s work at Chikondi Center for Children with Disabilities!  I love these people! They are truly the hands and feet of God, making a difference for the children and people of Malawi! Zikomo Yesu! Love, Maribeth


Malawi Montessori Christian School & Training Center-New Location! Zikomo Yesu!

Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010 in Uncategorized

Your prayers got us there! Thank you all! We moved and set up in a day. We opened school the next day! Our Malawian staff completely rocks! With great love, unity, humor, playfulness, determination, sacrifice and commitment, our staff and parents (grandparents, aunties, guardians, etc.) came together to make it happen! Pictures below!!!

Please pray for our  March Impact team that arrives in a week: Cheri Wieland, Jan Cookson, Kim McVean, Ann Delagnes, Melynda Adragna, and Jim House! They will be ministering to children with special needs and training rehab tecs  and specialists and parents how to work effectively with the children. They will be ambassadors for Jesus is word and action at Chikondi Orphan Care and Disabilities Center, Cure International and Feed the Children Rehabilitation Center as well as loving on our kids at our school and within the Africa ABC Project! Now for the great pics of what God has been up to!  Love, Mary

Our New Location! It Rocks! It’s Beautiful! Kim, Laura, Eileen, Kathy it’s soooooo Montessori!

Thursday, March 11th

Picture 689

Picture 676

Picture 684

Picture 674

Picture 660

Parents Helping With Set Up! I believe we are the first Parent Participation School here! Wednesday March 10th

Picture 682

Picture 652

Picture 649

Picture 650

Picture 644

We moved in morning and set up in afternoon! Our staff is AMAZING! Nobody works harder!

Picture 624

Picture 626

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Picture 627

Picture 632

We moved and  unpacked and … someone found candy!

Picture 635

Picture 636

Due to circumstances we had to move within a short time period- but God was faithful. Within a day He found us a home- first month free- given to us by someone who loves God-only God does this.

Picture 603

Mondays Staff Meeting at our home- I love these people!

Picture 600

Moving Day! We did it!

Posted on Monday, March 1, 2010 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends and Family,

I am so blessed to have great people to work with here! We all packed up the school on Friday and moved it on Saturday to Chifundo III.

We have one more week of our break to find a place to rent and God has given us great guidance. All the teachers and staff are in agreement to the way forward. The team work was exceptional! The love of God and commitment to the work God has called them to do was highlighted this Friday and Saturday. Under stressful and difficult circumstances they demonstrated rare faith, courage, and peace.

On Saturday we also moved from the current site to our new home.  I am living with my pastor and his wife in a house we were given for free for the first month.  It is amazing and definitely God’s protection and provision. We have been settling in and I feel very at peace. This home has so many windows bringing in the light and views of the beautiful trees (avocado!) and a large upper room to invite our friends to come and share a meal with us.  Pictures of the house soon!

We are very blessed!  This is a week of rest and planning for us all. God has been talking a lot this past last week-giving me so much wisdom and direction from Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joshua and Isaiah.  I would be lost without knowing and seeing that He is right here with me, helping me, guiding me, and providing a way for me.

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers!

Love, Maribeth

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