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Malawi Montessori Project » 2010 » December
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Christmas in Ndirande

Posted on Saturday, December 25, 2010 in Uncategorized
Merry Christmas from Ndirande!

Merry Christmas from Ndirande!











9000 Children in Ndirande received a small coloring book of the Christmas Story (John 3:16) in Chichewa thanks to the efforts of a committed team!  Zikomo to Lakeside Church in California for the labels and bags! Zikomo to INDE Bank- Blantyre for sponsoring the duplication of 9000 books! (Chimwemwe! You made it happen!) Zikomo to Printer Palace-Blantyre for our very, very, very low cost duplication of the books! (Lynnette, we love you! And there are more projects together in our future!). Zikomo to Guthrie Bible College teachers and students for your loving an energetic teaching of God’s Word to the children and the distribution of the books! (You all are very special to us! Althea we are so grateful for your partnership). Zikomo to all my friends who donated crayons to the project! (Reshma, Annansa, Althea, etc. etc.) Zikomo to my friends and family and supporters for their prayers for this event! 


And a final BIG ZIKOMO  to the leaders and staff at Zikomo Yesu Enterprises/WAY Ministries-Malawi, who are willing to follow Jesus into the deep water and risk and sacrifice for the things that matter to God. My heart is full of pride and love for you all! 9000 precious children received a message of great hope and love because of you! They were told of their value as God’s children. 


We pray that this message and seeds of God’s Word settle in their hearts and minds and grow. We pray that this simple book impacts the faith of their family members and friends. We pray that this demonstration of love spark an outpouring of generosity and sacrificial giving within Malawi and beyond.

Book preparation was a very big job!

Book preparation was a very big job!

Simon Nkhambala, our Children's Ministry Outreach Leader, led Christmas in Ndirande. You are awesome Simon!

Simon Nkhambala, our Children's Ministry Outreach Leader, led Christmas in Ndirande. You are awesome Simon!

A portion of our team at Guthrie getting ready to meet our teammates in Ndirande! Rock on!

A portion of our team at Guthrie getting ready to meet our teammates in Ndirande! Rock on!

We sang, danced, preached and

We sang, danced, preached and

and taught the Word of God (Lydia is 15 years old). Youth leading youth!

and taught the Word of God (Lydia is 15 years old). Youth leading youth!

And gave the children their present from Jesus!

And gave the children their present from Jesus!

Simon was so happy!  And when Simon is happy, we know God has shown up!

Simon was so happy! And when Simon is happy, we know God has shown up!

It was a glorious day! Our team divided into five groups and went to five parts of Ndirande to share the message and distribute the books! ! 9000 books distributed in two and a half hours!

It was a glorious day! Our team divided into five groups and went to five parts of Ndirande to share the message and distribute the books! ! 9000 books distributed in two and a half hours!

I ran around the town trying to find all our teams so I could take pictures, but all I found was evidence that they had been there. It was really inspiring!

I ran around the town trying to find all our teams so I could take pictures, but all I found was evidence that they had been there. It was really inspiring!

The joy was contagious!

The joy was contagious!

God Showed Up! And it was brilliant!

Posted on Friday, December 17, 2010 in Uncategorized

Thank you all for your prayers! 35 Participants completed our 4-Day Leadership & Montessori Teacher Training Level 1 Course this past week. And as my new UK friends like to say, “It was brilliant!” And it really was! I am blessed with 10 amazing leaders who run our Malawian ministry and non-profit. They are servant leaders, who do whatever it takes to get the job done.  No job too small or too big for them. Our participants have helped us meet our December 2010 goal to become a self-sustainable Malawian non-profit in 9 months. It is a miracle.  9 months my friends! 9 months!

God keeps His promises. We will continue to fund the operations and programs of our ministry and non-profit (budget, salaries, rent, etc.) from Malawian kwacha with God’s wisdom and provision. Why? Because He said so.

Thank you to all our supporters in the U.S. and participants for your prayers, love and generosity!  We are blessed by your continued partnership! God has big plans in 2011! Let’s take it up a notch! Be bold and faithful! Reach out to those in need and those who are hurting or lost with God’s truth, grace, and love. That is what He said to do.

Jesus said, “You did not chose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”  Zikomo Yesu!

35 Participants sang & danced & learned about leadership & teaching with great focus and intention!

35 Participants sang & danced & learned about leadership & teaching with great focus and intention!

My Peeps have become professionals!  Zikomo to Simon Nkhambala and Abgail Napuwa for their service to the Kingdom! We could not have done it without you two! Simon is leading the outreach to 9,000 children in Ndirande on Christmas Day. Emmanuel means God With Us!

My Peeps have become professionals! Zikomo to Simon Nkhambala and Abgail Napuwa for their service to the Kingdom! We could not have done it without you two! Simon is leading the outreach to 9,000 children in Ndirande on Christmas Day. Emmanuel means God With Us!

Hilda Mandota, our Paw Paw (2 1/2 to 5yr old class) Teacher demonstrating Color Box II to teachers in a small group. The teachers experienced learning with partners, small groups, and whole group. They loved it! FULL PARTICIPATION! As I like to say, "Nobody gets to hide out in our classes!"

Hilda Mandota, our Paw Paw (2 1/2 to 5yr old class) Teacher demonstrating Color Box II to teachers in a small group. The teachers experienced learning with partners, small groups, and whole group. They loved it! FULL PARTICIPATION! As I like to say, "Nobody gets to hide out in our classes!"

God bless you James Machila for your service to Jesus! James Machila, Director of the Africa ABC Project, delivering our Leadership Section.

God bless you James Machila for your service to Jesus! James Machila, Director of the Africa ABC Project, delivering our Leadership Section.

Jane Kabambe! I love you! Jane (on left) with a participant. Jane led sections on First Aide, Health and Safety, Cultural Studies, etc and demonstrated lessons in all areas! This woman rocks!

Jane Kabambe! I love you! Jane (on left) with a participant. Jane led sections on First Aide, Health and Safety, Cultural Studies, etc and demonstrated lessons in all areas! This woman rocks!

Hilda (on left) demonstrating math lesson to the whole group! Love you Paw Paw Girl! Your love for those little kids is so amazing! God bless you!

Hilda (on left) demonstrating math lesson to the whole group! Love you Paw Paw Girl! Your love for those little kids is so amazing! God bless you!

Abgail, Paul, Jane Katera (newly married!) Zikomo! I love you guys! Paul, thanks for all your humor and shenanigans (as we say in Cali) and Jane and Abby for your consistent and humble service to our ministry. Abgail, Paul and Jane serve on Africa ABC Team and go out to the five community based child care centers in Ndirande as well as Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pediatric wards. My heart is full of appreciation for your love demonstrated to those children!

Abgail, Paul, Jane Katera (newly married!) Zikomo! I love you guys! Paul, thanks for all your humor and shenanigans (as we say in Cali) and Jane and Abby for your consistent and humble service to our ministry. Abgail, Paul and Jane serve on Africa ABC Team and go out to the five community based child care centers in Ndirande as well as Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pediatric wards. My heart is full of appreciation for your love demonstrated to those children!

Zikomo Abusa Aubrey Kalima for leading the section on employee and employer rights and for sharing the Word!

Zikomo Abusa Aubrey Kalima for leading the section on employee and employer rights and for sharing the Word!

Small group discussions of leadership principles and Montessori philosophy and methodology were very productive!

Small group discussions of leadership principles and Montessori philosophy and methodology were very productive!

Jane Kabambe explaining object boxes, picture boxes and moveable alphabet as part of Montessori Language series!

Jane Kabambe explaining object boxes, picture boxes and moveable alphabet as part of Montessori Language series!

Tisugane Mwanza! You rock! Tisu explaining Montessori word building series and grammar symbols. It was my greatest joy to be a part of this training with her! Tisu is the Director of our Malawi Montessori Christian School and Teacher Training Center. She leads our Teacher Internship Program, where participants experience a practical week of teaching in the classes with our children.

Tisugane Mwanza! You rock! Tisu explaining Montessori word building series and grammar symbols. It was my greatest joy to be a part of this training with her! Tisu is the Director of our Malawi Montessori Christian School and Teacher Training Center. She leads our Teacher Internship Program, where participants experience a practical week of teaching in the classes with our children.

Reverand Althea Meyer from Guthrie Bible School, is our Advisor on our Board of Trustees of our ministry. Zikomo Althea! We love you and we value your wisdom and partnership!

Reverand Althea Meyer from Guthrie Bible School, is our Advisor on our Board of Trustees of our ministry. Zikomo Althea! We love you and we value your wisdom and partnership!

Tisu and Althea!

Tisu and Althea!

Land to Build Christian Primary & Secondary School

Posted on Sunday, December 5, 2010 in Uncategorized
On the edge of our town, Ndirande, is a piece of land large enough to build a Christian Montessori Primary and Secondary (High School). We thought God may want this for the kids of Ndirande. This is the view from the top of what we are calling "Prayer Mountain", a small mountain on the property. It will cost 130,000 US. That is 130 garage sales with a profit of 1,000 each. Seems doable to me. (smile).

On the edge of our town, Ndirande, is a piece of land large enough to build a Christian Montessori Primary and Secondary (High School). We thought God may want this for the kids of Ndirande. This is the view from the top of what we are calling "Prayer Mountain", a small mountain on the property. It will cost 130,000 US. That is 130 garage sales with a profit of 1,000 each. Seems doable to me. (smile).

From the mountain, a view of site for school. Plenty of land for crops, plus a whole lot more. Two creeks meet on edge of property.

From the mountain, a view of site for school. Plenty of land for crops, plus a whole lot more. Two creeks meet on edge of property.

View of Ndirande from the top of property. It would be called a "neighborhood school" (smile).

View of Ndirande from the top of property. It would be called a "neighborhood school" (smile).

Lots of usable land, great location, dreaming big in Malawi! love, mb

Lots of usable land, great location, dreaming big in Malawi! love, mb

Site design by Seth Sanders.