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Malawi Montessori Project » 2010 » September
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Thank You Antioch Charter Academy!

Posted on Sunday, September 12, 2010 in Uncategorized
Gifts from Antioch Charter Academy 1

Gifts from Antioch Charter Academy 1

A special thank you to Edna Heller and Kathy Estrada for your donations to our Malawi Montessori Christian School. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children had much to teach us adults. The generosity, sensitivity, and heart-felt response of our American children to the needs of the children in Malawi is inspiring.  They have moved me to tears by pressing quarters and dollar bills in my hands and asking me to take it to Malawi. Over and over again, children give me their allowances and gifts for the kids in Malawi.
Thank you! Thank you to Mrs. Estrada and Mrs. Heller’s classes for the P.E. Equipment, money, flipflops, and original handmade books, etc.! We are excited about our penpal project and the focus on books for Malawi!
ACA 1 Authors & Illustrators

ACA 1 Authors & Illustrators

The kids at ACA 1 created reading and coloring books that correlate with the Montessori curriculum for our kids in Malawi!  Ok, can I hear someone besides me say, “This totally rocks!” LITERACY! LITERACY WILL IMPACT A NATION! And the kids are leading the way!
Five Thematic Books Created

Five Thematic Books Created

The five themes are: colors and shapes, five types of vertebretes, our planets, fruits and vegetables, and My Place in Space. My Place in Space teaches children who they are in the universe. Children learn who they are in space by learning their school, city, state, country, continent, solar system, and universe. Understanding their place in space and the importance of who they are in our world is essential in developing children focused on impacting our world.
Books for our youngest kids - 3-5 year olds

Books for our youngest kids - 3-5 year olds

Thank you all!  You kids are AWESOME!!! love, Ms. Maribeth
In Malawi, English is the language of academic achievement and the pathway to higher education and better employment.  I believe it is our responsibility to give children what they need to develop intellectually and to give them access to a future of providing for their basic needs. All children. All children. All children are precious and important.
Our Malawian NGO and Ministry is staffed by young Malawian leaders who are committed to impacting their education system, one small step at a time.  
I believe God has called us to establish a grassroots childrens’ book publishing company under Zikomo Yesu Enterprises Limited (NGO) as a way to impact the children of a town and as our third small business venture that will provide for our staff salaries and budget. Malawi to Malawi, with temporary, but necessary financial  support, lots of prayers, and a great deal of encouragement from us here in the United States.
I am praying for the next Malawian author and illustrator to be identified through our effort!  Please email me at maribeth@theocean.cc if you would like to help us with our effort!
Bring it on! love, maribeth

What’s Next God

Posted on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends & Family,

 Please pray for me to discern what God has for me for this season. I turned down the position in Malawi in special education for this semester because my immigration status was not progressing and I did not want to keep the school on hold. I was offered a half-day, full time position there that would enable me to make a difference in special education as well as spend each afternoon with our ministry team.  Seemed like a gift from God. So I wait now on God and listen. I know I will be going to Malawi in Jan., but there is a possibility that I may go before that. I do not know.


I know this is a special season in the life of our church as we seek to expand the ways in which we demonstrate love for those people in need around us and share about God. I had a unique opportunity to preach (smile) to my church this past weekend. Thank you for your prayers! It went great! Can’t imagine doing that every weekend! God bless those pastors who do!


Please pray for me as I discern what work Jesus wants me to do this semester.  I have prayed open doors and close doors. As many of you know, I like to work and it keeps me out of trouble! Also, I have a big financial commitment to the project in Malawi.


One of our new projects in Malawi is children’s book creation, publication and distribution! There are no books in the homes of our children there. Let me repeat this. There are no books in the homes of our children there. I have been in the homes of the children in Ndirande. There are no books.  So we are using simple children’s books that I wrote, (easily copied) translated by Tisu, putting them in a clear plastic bag with a message about Jesus and three crayons. We are having our mom’s who are in our economic development program sell them for a small commission. Outside sales! (smile)


We hope to accomplish six things through this literacy project: share the message of Jesus, increase early childhood literacy, empower and equip our single moms, produce income to sustain our ministry efforts, train our staff further in business and leadership skills, and prepare to operate a children’s publishing house (smile).  Bring it on God!


Thank you for your love and support!  If you would like to financially support our project, please go on line to lakeside church under on-line giving and give to Maribeth-Malawi. Or you may write a check to Lakeside Church, 745 Oak Avenue Parkway, Folsom, CA 95630 with Maribeth-Malawi in the memo line.  Nothing is more important than investing in the lives of others. Your investment will grow in Malawi. You can count on it!


Love, Maribeth

Site design by Seth Sanders.