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Malawi Montessori Project » Get Involved
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Get Involved

  1. Pray
  2. Serve
  3. Give
  4. Share
  5. Partner

5 Ways to Get Involved in Our Work!

  1. Please pray for our work in Malawi.
  2. Please pray and consider bringing your skills, experience, and gifts and serving here or helping us by using your skills where you live.
  3. Support our work with donations. See Donate page.
  4. Share with others about our work.
  5. Partner with us on a special project one time project or long term project.

Current Needs

  1. Educational Sponsorship of 31 Children Schooling in Middle and High School Levels (Each child’s education is $365.00 yearly).
  2. Communications & Marketing Representative in U.S.A.
  3. Business Consultant to visit Malawi and give us feedback and coaching on how we can improve the structure and management of our Organizations.
  4. Ministry Consultant to visit Malawi and give feedback and coaching on how we can develop a stronger ministry team and be better at ministering to those under our care.
  5. College/University Representative or Institution that is committed to developing a Montessori Teacher’s College in Malawi.
  6. A Summer Team interested in assisting with Faith & English Language Development Through the Creative Arts. (Summer 2020)
  7. Christian Montessori Credentialed Teacher with 3-6 or 6-9 credential interested in serving as a volunteer for 2 months to 1 year, to teach a course at our M.T.C. or teach our children in our school for the year.

Site design by Seth Sanders.