Special Projects – Educational Scholarships
Thank you for all those helping us to send our children to school from Grade 6 to High School. In order to pass the final exams and earn a High School Diploma here in Malawi, it is essential to have an excellent education at Middle and High School. English Language Development is key, as all the subjects are in English at these levels.
We have chosen three exceptional schools for our students to attend after they graduate from our Primary School: Blantyre Girls, Tafika Private, and Nyambadwe Private Secondary School. When we look at the school fees, uniforms, tutoring, backpacks, transportation costs of these three schools, it works out to be $365 dollars per child/ per year. We call it our 365 PROGRAM, a dollar a day for the the children’s education.
If you would like to sponsor a child’s education for the year, please see our Donate page information. Please communicate that you have donated to maribeth@theocean.cc and we will match you up with a child. Thank you!!!