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Malawi Montessori Project » We Are Moving! God is blessing us!
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Feb 25

We Are Moving! God is blessing us!

Posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your love and support!  I have been strengthened and encouraged by your prayers and communications these past two months!  God has called us to move.  We are moving our Malawi Montessori Christian School and Teacher Training Center and waiting on God to give us a new home. Even after four intensive days of training the teachers are returning today to pack up and move.  It is their holiday too!  God bless my people!  I love them so!

I am moving from this site as well together with Aubrey (my pastor) and Madalo Kalima for the first month. Then we will see what God is going to do. Now I am really going to learn Chichewa and be with the people who I trust and love. Rock on Jesus! These are your prayers in action my friends! I will send pictures of the move as soon as I settle in. Next week is still a holiday for the school, so God has granted us much grace to find a new home for the school. Please pray for us because we had thought we found a location this week, but as happens frequently here, the situation was not exactly as it was represented, so I edited the blog message here.  When I am in a better mood about it, I may share the story.

We are praying for a new location where the school and training center can prosper. We are waiting on the Lord.  Our school goes  into storage tomorrow.

If you have time read Joshua Chapter 1: 1-9  That is what we read this morning at our devotions. It was a great encouragement to me.

Love, Maribeth

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