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Malawi Montessori Project » Zikomo! Internet Coming This Week! Yahoo!
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Jan 24

Zikomo! Internet Coming This Week! Yahoo!

Posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 in Uncategorized
He will keep His promises!

He will keep His promises!

“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

Jeremiah 33:3 

God says this and I say, “Bring it on!”

 I am missing you all! I am solving the internet issues this week!  I promise!  I am using James and Claudia’s (missionaries here at the project) internet and it is fantastic!

We had an amazing week!  Especially with the staff of the school and Africa ABC Project.  Finding people of character is challenging here. Deception is common here for a number of reasons, so I am grateful for my small but committed Malawian staff! At our staff meeting on Friday, Abusa Kalima, our lead pastor, shared a message with the team and Tisu led us in beautiful praise and dancing to God.  Then we ate chicken, rice and greens.  After our meal, I led the staff in two team building exercises. God showed me so much in these two hours with the team. I had each person write down the most important attributes in people they work with and then each person shared. I told everyone that everyone will share-100% participation always, no exceptions. People like to hide out here in Malawi- be quiet and not give input because they are scared or think they are not important.  After that I had each person write down their goals for 2010- personal, professional and spiritual. Everyone was so focused on their list and took much time. They loved the activities.  The sharing drew us together. The quality of their answers showed deep reflection.  It was beautiful!

 It was a great time of laughing, encouragement, teasing, honest sharing, and relationship building. What I learned is that in this society everything is about community before individual.  Now there are very important qualities to this, but at the same time people don’t learn each other’s names, even after knowing of someone for a long time.  The value of the individual person as a person distinct and special is not highlighted. So they were so encouraged about learning about themselves and each other as individuals.  It was very exciting for them.

I am grateful for so many things! Mary O’Neill and I are approved and funded to provide a training to the Pediatric Nurses at Queen Elizabeth Center Hospital regarding the Role of the Nurse in the Pediatric Ward.  Mary will be taking the lead on this and I will be providing a piece on Child Psychology and practical application on how to communicate effectively with children.  This will be the week of March 8th. In addition we will be holding the Leadership and Educational Training the week of February 22nd for both private pay clients and teachers within the community based orphan care centers.

We had to reapply for certification as a Private School due to the change in ownership of the school. We are approved by the regional education office and I go to Lilongwe this week to submit the application at the state education department.  Yahoo!

I could go on and on regarding the miracles God is doing here and what He is showing me about the future.  He is bringing me very good people to work with and keeps encouraging me as I go through the challenges.  Last Thursday after a tough day of no water or electricity and tons of rain, Abusa Kalima calls me to come outside to see something. I walk up the stairs and face the Ndirande Mountains, which are covered in green. And there spreading over the mountains right in front of me is the largest rainbow that I have ever seen.  Like God created it just for me.  To remind me of His promises.  I take Him for His word.  He will finish what He started. We place a stake in this ground for God on this hill.  We will train up leaders in the faith here and they will make a difference for this nation. And people will know that it was not built by man, but by God.

Love, Maribeth

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