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Malawi Montessori Project » New Developments & Potential Partnerships
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Dec 5

New Developments & Potential Partnerships

Posted on Saturday, December 5, 2009 in Uncategorized

To My Beautiful Friends & Family, Thank you for your prayers and support!  I am in awe of what God is up to for Malawi.  He is bringing together people who have the same commitment to making a difference for The Warm Heart of Africa.

Today I spoke with Sharyn Curtis from LitNet in Montana who has been working with her husband on teacher training and an early literacy curriculum for Uganda. Sound familiar? As Sharyn shared at her church about LitNet and her recent connection to me, a woman told her that she has been praying for Malawi for 20 years and now she knows why. Twenty years ago God put Malawi (a country that many people don’t even know exists) on her heart and she has been praying ever since. Sharyn and David Curtis are sending me their curriculum to take to Malawi. It is my hope that they both can visit Malawi soon. Please check out their website link. www.litnet.info You will be amazed how similar the work they have been doing inUganda is to the Malawi Montessori Project.

This week, Pastor Jeff Kreiser and I met with Senior Pastor Kirk Bottomly and Mission’s Pastor Paulette Lambertson from Fair Oaks Presbyterian, a neighboring church 30 minutes from Lakeside. Fair Oaks Presbyterian is working with an organization called Miqlat to empower local villages in Malawi to better care for the children who have lost parents. Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church is now drilling a well and soon to build a Hope Center in Chiradzulu, Malawi, 30 minutes or so from our project in Ndirande, Malawi.  Thank you Paulette and Kirk! I am forever grateful for you both and your church! I look forward to seeing your project in Malawi and seeing how we can help!  You can check out what they are doing on the section for blogging to the right on this website.  Miqlat is listed as a link too. www.miqlat.com

God is still searching the earth and looking for anyone who is willing to stand in the gap for those He loves.  How long will it be acceptable for us as Americans to eat, when other people go hungry? To go to school, when others have no access to education? To sleep in comfort and peace, when others live in fear of their safety? And as Christians to know the love and grace of God, when others live without hope?  And how will people know about our God and His goodness and His power to make a difference in their lives, unless we go and tell them and show them that He does indeed care about them.

In the Bible there are letters written by people who worshipped God and His Son, Jesus Christ. One of these men, named John, wrote this, “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” 1John 3:17

Thank you for your your prayers and love for me! Thank you for sending me to Malawi! We can make a difference – together.

Love, Maribeth

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