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Malawi Montessori Project » Mission Accomplished! Thank You Everyone!
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Jul 24

Mission Accomplished! Thank You Everyone!

Posted on Friday, July 24, 2009 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference for the children of Ndirande, Malawi!  The results of this year on mission are listed below. It was an exception year!  The Malawian National Anthem, which is sung as a prayer to God, identifies the three enemies to Malawi as hunger, disease and envy.  

With 74% of the population being below the poverty line (living on less than $1.25 a day), 930,000 people with HIV/AIDS, and 550,000 orphans our accomplishments seem small. But by investing in and developing leaders in Malawi, it is our commitment to expand what is possible for the children. I have taken out the word “orphan” from the documents of the Malawi Montessori Project because it is a word now beginning to be used by some as a marketing tool to collect funds both in the US and Malawi. Our job is not to use the children, but to provide for them. I believe our job is to remove the label of “orphan” and give them a new name and a new future.

God adopted us and calls us His children. He has given us a new future, an inheritance, a new family, and a new name. I understand that the word “orphan” must be used by agencies as a measurement tool, but coming from a special education background, I am aware of the effects of labeling. I will be refering to the children we are committed to helping as kids impacted by poverty.

There are many children in Malawi with parents or guardians who are unable to provide for them despite their dedicated efforts.  I believe the family is the best structure that Jesus has given us to provide for all children and the church’s job is to support the family to do this job well.  I have included the specific results of the Malawi Montessori Project below. May you all be blessed abundantly by your love and contributions to this mission! Jesus rocks without exception.  These are His results.

Malawi Montessori Project (Established January 2008) Committed to educating the future leaders of Malawi

  • Established the first Montessori Primary School in Ndirande, Malawi. (July 08) Serving 43 children impacted by poverty.
  • Trained 118 teachers and directors at 12 local orphan care centers in teaching, business skills, and leadership.
  • Trained 16 teachers through Teacher Internship Program-intensive practical week of teacher training within a classroom.
  • Established Africa ABC Project: By 10/08 10 local community based orphan care centers will have received educational artwork/materials and on site teacher training.
  • Hosting four mission trips (21 participants total) in order to educate other about the AIDS pandemic and the issues surrounding children impacted by poverty.
These results were produced by my Malawian team.
There is no better investment than investing in the
 lives of others.
Love, Maribeth

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