Your Investment of Love & Support Makes Everything Grow!
Dear Friends & Family, Can’t believe I have been back 6 weeks! Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support of our efforts here in Malawi to make a difference for the children and to develop leaders. The Montessori teaching materials are beautiful and brilliant! Thank you! We have seven more Montessori Early Childhood Diploma students who have joined us this September. Our School staff is inspired and going strong to provide an exceptional education for the children. Our Africa ABC staff continues to make a difference at the hospital, with the kids from the streets, the children with physical disabilities, and most recently with a huge outreach in the village of Chikwawa. I am so proud of these amazing leaders! We have some big developments and projects coming up in the months ahead. But for now we are celebrating our blessings! Here are a few pictures from the school and training center. Thank you for all you do to make this possible! Love, maribeth

Our children love their school! Our 2 1/2 to 6 year old classroom

Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Montessori Word Building!

Introduction of Lake and Island!

Making our own lakes!

And then there was water!


The children added some personality to their islands!

Thank you ACA I! We love you Kathy!

Thank you ladies!


Zikomo! My generous friends!

Praise God it all made it! Amazing! Thank you all for your love and sacrifice for the children of Malawi!
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