Blessings to My Friends and Family!
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you for your prayers and love! Beautiful things are happening! I look forward to the surprise visit from Heather Kreiser and Sandy Listberger, from Lakeside Church, arriving in Malawi on October 7th. Please pray for their preparation and safety. I can’t wait to cook my favorite Malawian foods for them- including roasted ground nuts! My amazing friends, Annie Holt and Pam Loomis, plus many other of those crazy compassionate women are hosting a garage sale for Acts III Global Ministries, Malawi at 953 Palmer Circle in Folsom, California 95630 on Saturday, September 27th. Please show up to donate items or shop til you drop. 100% of the purchases go to Acts III. Ladies! You completely inspire me and I’m praying!
We finish our last week of the quarter this week! Pics of the kids doing plein air water color are below. We finished session three of four sessions of the Montessori Teacher Training and Material Development this Friday for the orphan care workers. They are deeply grateful for the training and materials. The session was supposed to end at 4 p.m. but they all stayed until 5:30 p.m. to complete their materials.
Peace and Love to you all!
Love, Maribeth
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