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Results for 2011 Zikomo Team Yesu!

Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 in Uncategorized
A Beautiful Year of Reaching the Children for the Glory of God!

A Beautiful Year of Reaching the Children for the Glory of God!










2011 WAY Ministries/Zikomo Yesu Enterprises Goals & Accomplishments


We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for establishing us thus far and for His love, wisdom, and strength, by which He has helped us. We thank Him for His amazing provision and protection. We are forever grateful. We ask Him to continue to guide, protect, and empower us as we follow where He leads.


Ministry & NGO – Our year was marked by God’s grace & wisdom


  • Continued financial sustainability by IGAs (Malawi Kwacha for Malawi Kids)
  • Peaceful resolution to two employee issues & police case
  • Board changes submitted & approved in Lilongwe- Stable Board
  • WAY Ministry Registered in June
  • Leadership Development & Training of staff:
    • James Machila completes first year B.A. & in Training to be Executive Director
    • Tisungane Howa, Jane Kabambe & Hilda Mandota complete first year towards Montessori Diploma
    • Guthrie Bible College: Three of our staff attended Bible learning sessions at Guthrie
    • Our staff members are rapidly learning computer skills- 9/10 staff now working in Word; 3/10 in Excel; 1/10 in Publisher
  • Participation of two term partners from Lakeside Church:
    • Becca Dague (2 mo) Hospital Ministry Participation & Street Kids Ministry Start Up
    • Kelsey Zeigler (10 mo) Special Needs Program Start Up & Training; Street Kid Ministry Development; Staff computer training
  • Visiting support on mission from Lakeside Church:
    • Lynn Merritt& Cheryl Ramage- Easter Outreach & Evangelism with Guthrie Bible School & Our Staff
    • Cindy Dickson & Pam Loomis – Bible Outreach for Street Kids with City Pentecostal Church & Our Staff 


Montessori Christian School- Raising a generation of leaders who love Jesus & live by God’s principles & truth


  • Montessori School of 46 children  2 ½ to 13 year olds receiving a Christian Montessori education
  • Parent Volunteer Hours: 900 approximately
  • Parents together with staff built our pathway to the school
  • 9 Parent Meetings Held and 1 Parent Training
  • Moved School and Ministry office to better location on campus
  • Nursery School (Paw Paw) Registered w/ Social Services


Teacher Training Center- Investing in teachers who will love and guide the children


Internship Program

  • 26 in internship program
  • Village Training in Partnership with Miqlat: 7 staff trained


Diploma Program

  • 14 begin in 2011
  • 5 Teachers complete first 10 months.  
  • Four  graduate in April 2012


Two Leadership & Montessori Teacher Trainings (July/Dec.)

  • Staff ran two trainings with total of 69 participants


Africa ABC Initiative – Reaching out to impact a community with a demonstration of God’s love


Community Based Child Care Centers –Impacting education in partnership with CBCCCs

  • 18 teachers at 4 CBCCS received training in teaching strategy and material making impacting 300 children weekly
  • Two centers receive educational artwork, furniture & material


Children’s Bible Outreach – Reaching children with the Gospel

  • Teachers at 7 centers/schools received Biblical Training impacting 433 children
  • Two Bible Outreaches: Ndirande (April 2011) & Chikwawa (September 2011) 16,300 +6,537 children reached
  • Children’s Workers Trained in Chikwawa
  • Six centers receive Bible curriculum in Chichewa


Hospital Outreach- Began in 2011

  • Provides spiritual support for children & guardians in 5 pediatric wards and two specialty wards at QECH four days a week  


Special Needs – Expanded in 2011

  • Supporting therapy to 30-40 children with physical challenges weekly at two centers
  • Assessment and therapy plans for 31 children with special physical needs in Ndirande developed in partnership with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) volunteer and Occupational Therapist, Anna Checkley.                             
  • 20 parents attended therapy review course
  • Special Needs Ministry expands and new coordinator trained and now running program- Master Litchowa
  • Four parents receive stipend & training for on-going leadership & coordination at the two centers- Chikondi & FTC


Street Kids –Began in 2011

  • Staff Supported July 2011Team with week-long Bible Camp for 17 street kids in partnership with CPC.
  • Master, James, & Paul helped facilitate the organization and growth of CPC Sunday Outreach to kids from the street.
  • Began K10,000 monthly donation to STEKA in June.


Zikomo Yesu Enterprises – Our Non-profit & Business Development Branch


Sustainability!  Amen!!!!

Three IGAs










Christmas in Ndirande

Posted on Sunday, January 8, 2012 in Uncategorized

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me four kgs of rice, two bars of soap, a big pack of sugar and one mosquito net!  

 This year our Africa ABC Initiative Team blessed 31 families with children with special needs as our Christmas ministry project. We felt God wanted us to focus close to home and supply needed supplies to these families that are the focus of our special needs program.  In 2011, our service to the children with special needs and their families expanded and developed greatly under the leadership of our Term Partner, Kelsey Zeigler, who returned to the U.S. this past November. This past year she worked in partnership with Anna Checkley, an occupational therapist from the YWAM (Youth with a Mission) base here and they both trained our staff member, Master Litchowa. Master now leads the program with four parent volunteers and support from Josephina Musa (Chikondi Center for Children with Disabilities) and Joyce Kasambe  (Feed the Children Malawi).  A special thank you to Kelsey and her supporters for funding this special Christmas project!  God is smiling!

Kelsey & Anna

Kelsey & Anna











Our crew that accomplished the task of delivering these items to 31 homes and praying over the children and guardians. Paul, Yamikani, Simon, James, and Master, you are the best! Josephina & our parent volunteers, thank you for making this happen!

Our crew that accomplished the task of delivering these items to 31 homes and praying over the children and guardians. Paul, Yamikani, Simon, James, and Master, you are the best! Josephina & our parent volunteers, thank you for making this happen!

There was great joy...

There was great joy...

in families in great need...

in families in great need of...

a demonstration of God's love.

a demonstration of God's love.

How beautiful are

"How beautiful are ...

the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,

the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,

Who bring glad tidings

Who bring glad tidings

of good things!" Romans 10:15

of good things!" Romans 10:15

For the children, the children, the children. Don't forget God's children. God is expecting us to take of the His children. He will hold us accountable for what we did for the least of these. Matthew 25 35-36. Really, He will.

For the children, the children, the children. Don't forget God's children. God is expecting us to take of His children. He will hold us accountable for what we did for the least of these. Matthew 25 35-36. Really, He will.



December Leadership & Teacher Training! Yahoo!

Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2011 in Uncategorized
Our Staff!  God bless you all!  They led with grace & power! From top left: Master Litchowa, Tisu Howa, Simon Nkhambala, Hilda Mandota, Paul Nyirenda, Jane Jamu, Jane Katera, Jane Kabambe, Maribeth Sexton, James Machila, & Yamikani Tambala. Love you all! Well done!

Our Staff! God bless you all! They led with grace & love! From top left: Master Litchowa, Tisu Howa, Simon Nkhambala, Hilda Mandota, Paul Nyirenda, Jane Jamu, Jane Katera, Jane Kabambe, Maribeth Sexton, James Machila, & Yamikani Tambala. Love you all! Well done!

Feeding 43 people in 10 minutes twice a day is not an easy job! Praise God for humble hearts of service!

Feeding 43 people in 10 minutes twice a day is not an easy job! Praise God for humble hearts of service!

Tisu presented the foundations of Montessori using a powerpoint! One of her goals a year and a half ago was to become adept at using the computer. Today she works in powerpoint, excel, word and publisher on the laptop! Seriously AMAZING! When I reminded her of her goal and we both laughed in awe at her accomplishments, she said, "Only by the power of the Holy Spirit." Amen!

Tisu presented the foundations of Montessori using a powerpoint! One of her goals a year and a half ago was to become adept at using the computer. Today she works in powerpoint, excel, word and publisher on the laptop! Seriously AMAZING! When I reminded her of her goal and we both laughed in awe at her accomplishments, she said, "Only by the power of the Holy Spirit." Amen!

Hilda, Language Arts!

Hilda, Language Arts!

Jane & Shabana, one of our lovely diploma students, demonstrating Sensorial!

Jane & Shabana, one of our lovely diploma students, demonstrating Sensorial!

Priya, another inspiring diploma student, introducing Language Arts! I am acknowledging Priya and all our diploma students who helped us in this training (Maria'h that is you too!) for taking a risk and sharing your new learning!

Priya, another inspiring diploma student, introducing Language Arts! I am acknowledging Priya and all our diploma students who helped us in this training (Maria'h that is you too!) for taking a risk and sharing your new learning!

Acknowledging our participants for their hardwork and commitment to learning! We love you! Thank you for your support in making a difference for the children of Malawi!

Acknowledging our participants for their hardwork and commitment to learning! We love you! Thank you for your support in making a difference for the children of Malawi!

Thank you all for your participation!

Thank you all for your participation!

Exploring Montessori Mathematics!
Exploring Montessori Mathematics!
James led most of the leadership sessions with the help of Master. Well done James!

James led most of the leadership sessions with the help of Master. Well done James!

Yamikani started each of our morning sessions with prayer and praise!

Yamikani started each of our morning sessions with prayer and praise!

Graduation was a very exciting event! Our participants took their learning seriously! We are expecting great things of them!

Graduation was a very exciting event! Our participants took their learning seriously! We are expecting great things of them!


Dreaming Big in Malawi

Posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 in Uncategorized










This is the view from the prayer hill behind where I live. You can see Ndirande Mountain. The town of Ndirande wraps around the base of the mountain. This is the area God has called us to impact. Please pray for us as we are moving buildings within our current campus. We have negotiated a very good rent for 12 months for the school, teacher training center and ministry office. Moving on our campus meets with the department of education guidelines and feedback our school registration. They wanted us to have a location that had more bathrooms, designated classrooms and where we weren’t packing up the school each Friday. God gave us the opening for another building on the same campus. We move the school and office today and Monday! Please pray for us! It has been what feels like 100 degrees for two weeks now. (But no complaints from this warm weather girl!)










Spanning the length of the picture, above the road, is the complex where we are renting. In its original design it was a center for children and youth, established by people of God to serve the most needy and vulnerable children of this region with a special education school, rehabilitation services, and vocational training. Most of the complex now has been rented out to various businesses. There is a possibility that the complex will be up for sale in this upcoming year. If it becomes available and the paperwork(land deed/title) are all in order, we will buy it. I don’t know how we will buy it, but we will buy it. And return it to the children. I have designs for every building on campus. God has given me a vision for the entire campus. I told Him, if it is available for sale, then that will be my sign to buy it.  Amen!  So pray for us as we discern God’s will and pray for this property, that it will glorify God and serve the children of Malawi once again.










Since March of 2010, we have packed up our school every Friday and stored it til Monday in our 10 by 10 office space. This has been a big job to accomplish weekly. In Malawi it is called shifting and no one likes it! It has developed perserverance and commitment among our staff members to take care of precious materials and pack and then sort the following Monday of every week at 6 a.m.  It is with a spirit of gratitude and celebration that we move our school, training center, and ministry office from the hall to a location on the same campus today and this Monday. We will no longer need to pack up weekly. Everyone is extremely excited!!! Amen! Thank you Jesus! Please pray for us as we accomplish this and look at what God has for us next. love, maribeth









Teachers celebrating our new digs! We have two rooms this size a large hall, big enough for a library, etc. An office space in between the rooms. Tons of storage space for Materials and diploma program books. Four toliets, six sinks, and two showers! Never thought I would be so excited about toliets! Lots of windows (I am crazy about windows.), great breeze, safe spot, room for a garden, and a 12 month lease. We are very happy! Everyones happy! Praise God! He did it!










They are really happy! And when our staff is happy, I am so very happy!









Our ABC Initiative Team enjoying a fanta in our new office after a very big and hot move! Thank you gentlemen!

Your Investment of Love & Support Makes Everything Grow!

Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends & Family,                                                                                                                                                                                           Can’t believe I have been back 6 weeks! Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support of our efforts here in Malawi to make a difference for the children and to develop leaders. The Montessori teaching materials are beautiful and brilliant! Thank you! We have seven more Montessori Early Childhood Diploma students who have joined us this September. Our School staff  is inspired and going strong to provide an exceptional education for the children. Our Africa ABC staff continues to make a difference at the hospital, with the kids from the streets, the children with physical disabilities, and most recently with a huge outreach in the village of Chikwawa. I am so proud of these amazing leaders! We have some big developments and projects coming up in the months ahead. But for now we are celebrating our blessings!  Here are a few pictures from the school and training center.  Thank you for all you do to make this possible!                                                                                                                                                                                                  Love, maribeth


Our children love their school! Our 2 1/2 to 6 year old classroom

Our children love their school! Our 2 1/2 to 6 year old classroom

Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Classifying Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Montessori Word Building!

Montessori Word Building!

Introduction of Lake and Island!

Introduction of Lake and Island!

Making our own lakes!

Making our own lakes!

And then there was water!

And then there was water!



The children added some personality to their islands!

The children added some personality to their islands!

Thank you ACA I!  We love you Kathy!

Thank you ACA I! We love you Kathy!

Thank you ladies!

Thank you ladies!



Zikomo! My generous friends!

Zikomo! My generous friends!

Praise God it all made it! Amazing! Thank you all for your love and sacrifice for the children of Malawi!

Praise God it all made it! Amazing! Thank you all for your love and sacrifice for the children of Malawi!

Africa ABC Initiative – Reviewing our beautiful history!

Posted on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 in Uncategorized
Pegi Scarlet initiated Africa ABC in May 2009  Thank you Pegi for following Jesus!

Pegi Scarlet initiated Africa ABC in May 2009 Thank you Pegi for following Jesus!

To be honest I thought painting the community based childcare center walls with the abcs was just a cute feel good idea, until I saw it transform the environment. Members of May 2009 impact team at Madalitso Center.

To be honest I thought painting the community based childcare center walls with the abcs was just a cute feel good idea, until I saw it transform the environment. Members of May 2009 impact team at Madalitso Center.

Cindy Dickson and Pam Loomis painting Chifundo III in 2009. These ladies return to Malawi this July 2011. Pegi Scarlet (far rt) Zikomo Pegi!

Cindy Dickson and Pam Loomis painting Chifundo III in 2009. These ladies return to Malawi this July 2011. Pegi Scarlet (far rt) Zikomo Pegi!

In May of 2009, I hired James Machila to continue painting the walls of the community based child care centers. Today, James Machila is the Director of the Africa ABC Initiative. He supervises five staff members (and one American missonary-Kelsey) and the five programs that are now operating under this initiative. James Machila, Jesus loves you! Thank you for serving Him with great wisdom and joy!

In May of 2009, I hired James Machila to continue painting the walls of the community based child care centers. Today, James Machila is the Director of the Africa ABC Initiative. He supervises five staff members (and one American missonary-Kelsey) and the five programs that are now operating under this initiative. James Machila , Jesus loves you! Thank you for serving Him with great wisdom and joy!

Madalitso Community Based Child Care Center today July 2011. See our Africa ABC CBCC Coordinator, Paul Nyirenda, on the left. He is now in James's position and taking it up a notch! Paul, you are doing amazing work for Jesus!  And we love you so much!

Madalitso Community Based Child Care Center today July 2011. See our Africa ABC CBCC Coordinator, Paul Nyirenda, on the left. He is now in James's position and taking it up a notch! Paul, you are doing amazing work for Jesus! And we love you so much!


Paul, clearly you are one of a kind!  Paul has worked with the centers to develop Montessori materials. This year all centers will receive the gift of shelves & organizational baskets, more books and Montessori materials as our Ministry and NGO seeks to expand its impact on early childhood education in Ndirande. Amen!

Paul, clearly you are one of a kind! Paul has worked with the centers to develop Montessori materials. This year all centers will receive the gift of shelves & organizational baskets, more books and Montessori materials as our Ministry and NGO seeks to expand its impact on early childhood education in Ndirande. Amen!

James Machila (left) oversees the five programs of the Africa ABC Initiative. Our focus with this initiative is to bring Jesus into education, business, and health care. We know that when the people of God are operating with and bringing the wisdom and principles of God into places of darkness, miracles happen.

James Machila (left) oversees the five programs of the Africa ABC Initiative. Our focus with this initiative is to bring Jesus into education, business, and health care. We know that when the people of God are operating with and bringing the wisdom and principles of God into places of darkness, miracles happen.

Yamikani Tambala is our Director of Hospital Ministry and spends five days a week at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital praying over children and parents/guardians in the pediatric wards. This gentle and intelligent guy is a bright light shining everywhere he goes. Thank you Yamikani!

Yamikani Tambala is our Director of Hospital Ministry and spends five days a week at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital praying over children and parents/guardians in the pediatric wards. This gentle and intelligent guy is a bright light shining everywhere he goes. Thank you Yamikani!

Simon Nkhambala is our Director of Children's Ministry. He teaches the teachers at the community based child care centers how to teach the Bible to the children. He visits with 325 children weekly to share about Jesus and worship. I wish you could see these three year olds reciting verses from the word of God. Simon has also saved up his money to start his own Montessori nursery school in Ndirande. His center teachers are the women whom he went to Bible school with.

Simon Nkhambala is our Director of Children's Ministry. He teaches the teachers at the community based child care centers how to teach the Bible to the children. He visits with 325 children weekly to share about Jesus and worship. I wish you could see these three year olds reciting verses from the word of God. Simon has also saved up his money to start his own Montessori nursery school in Ndirande. His center teachers are the women whom he went to Bible school with.

Kids worshipping at Simon's center.  Simon and Yamikani also lead our community Bible outreach events. Zikomo Simon!

Kids worshipping at Simon's center. Simon and Yamikani also lead our community Bible outreach events. Zikomo Simon!

Kelsey, Abby and Josefina, hot and sweaty and making a huge impact where the streets have no name. Kelsey, you are my biggest mpatso! I love you so much!

Kelsey, Abby and Josefina, hot and sweaty and making a huge impact where the streets have no name. Kelsey, you are my biggest mpatso! I love you so much!


Abgail Napuwa (photo), Master Litchowa, & Kelsey Zeigler are Special Needs Team that are working with physically challenged children in Ndirande. They work in partnership with Josefina Mussa from Chikondi Disability Center to support the parents of these children. Here is Abby at a home visit. God connected us with Anna and Andy Checkley from the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Base in Blantyre. Anna is an occupational therapist who has been volunteering with our team. We have been blessed to be able to continue to reach these children. Our special needs focus began in March of 2010 with our special needs team visit from California. Prayer, therapy equipment development, parent/guardian encouragement, assessment and therapy are a weekly part of this ministry. When I see what God is doing through this team effort, my heart is full. The Special Needs Team is now expanding to partner with Feed the Children Rehabilitation Center on the same campus as our school. God has great plans for these kids.

Abgail Napuwa (photo), Master Litchowa, & Kelsey Zeigler are Special Needs Team that are working with physically challenged children in Ndirande. They work in partnership with Josefina Mussa from Chikondi Disability Center to support the parents of these children. Here is Abby at a home visit. God connected us with Anna and Andy Checkley from the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Base in Blantyre. Anna is an occupational therapist who has been volunteering with our team. We have been blessed to be able to continue to reach these children. Our special needs focus began in March of 2010 with our special needs team visit from California. Prayer, therapy equipment development, parent/guardian encouragement, assessment and therapy are a weekly part of this ministry. When I see what God is doing through this team effort, my heart is full. The Special Needs Team is now expanding to partner with Feed the Children Rehabilitation Center on the same campus as our school. God has great plans for these kids.


Master serves as part of our Special Needs Team and with our ministry partner, STEKA. God Knows and his wife Helen, raise 35 kids that have been rescued from the streets of Blantyre.  We believe that a family who loves God is the most powerful model for healing a broken heart. For more information about this ministry partner go to

Master serves as part of our Special Needs Team and with our ministry partner, STEKA. God Knows and his wife Helen, raise 35 kids that have been rescued from the streets of Blantyre. We believe that a family who loves God is the most powerful model for healing a broken heart. For more information about this ministry partner go to

For One Child

Posted on Thursday, June 2, 2011 in Uncategorized
Henry, age 9, before his new life began. What would you do for one child in need?

Henry, age 9, before his new life began. What would you do for one child in need?












My life will never be the same again. It doesn’t matter all the amazing things we do with and for Jesus, if we neglect giving children on the streets a home. If we neglect this, we have done nothing here in Malawi.

There are about 20 children (6 yrs to 18 yrs) from the streets who come to our Kings Kids Program each Sunday at City Pentecostal Church in our city of Blantyre. They come for an hour and we teach them about Jesus and give them Malawian donuts and Sobo (soda no bubbles). These are only a handful of the children who are living on the streets of our city.  

These children are living and sleeping on the streets among dangerous and abusive adults who on-goingly harm them. Their parents have abandoned them because of their own addiction, mental illness, poverty, or death. Some parents or adult relatives send their children to the streets to beg, because they see it as a profitable business. Some children have run away from their homes because of these issues and continuous abuse.

Sunday, May 22, one precious child went from the street to a loving forever family in an hour. Henry has made this issue very personal for me. (and all of us here serving within our ministry). We are seeking God’s guidance on what He wants us to do. What part we will play in this issue. Please pray for Kelsey and I personally and for our ministry, Zikomo Yesu/ WAY Ministries, as we seek the will of God.

Word of wisdom to anyone who has never met God in a deep and intimate way. You will never see the face of God until you are willing to be inconvenienced and made uncomfortable for the causes that are dear to Him.


Here is our precious Henry! We love you Henry! And God loves you so much!

Welcome Home Henry! STEKA is a Malawian couple, Helen and God Knows Maseko, who are raising 33 children on their own, because they responded to the need. Amen!

Welcome Home Henry! STEKA is a Malawian couple, Helen and God Knows Maseko, who are raising 33 children on their own, because they responded to the need. Amen!










Children don't need an institution, they need a home and a family. Thank you Helen & God Knows!

Children don't need an institution, they need a home and a family. Thank you Helen & God Knows!










Henry with his new brothers! We have been visiting him and all the other kids in Helen and God Know's family for the past two weeks. He is very happy!

Henry with his new brothers! We have been visiting him and all the other kids in Helen and God Know's family for the past two weeks. He is very happy!










Never underestimate the power of family- to heal, to equip,to empower, to build, to restore, to redeem, and to love. That is how God designed it from the beginning. The power of a family who knows God. Henry has a safe place to sleep. Amen!

Never underestimate the power of family- to heal, to equip,to empower, to build, to restore, to redeem, and to love. That is how God designed it from the beginning. The power of a family who knows God. Henry has a safe place to sleep. Amen!

For the Love of the Children

Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 in Uncategorized

“ Love…bears all things, believes all things,

hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.” 

 1 Corinthians 13:7

Investing in the children of Malawi, begins with investing in their teachers. Here are some pictures highlighting what we have been up to in teacher training through our Montessori week-long internship program and year-long diploma program.  These women absolutely inspire me with their commitment to and love for the children!

Our Malawi Montessori Christian School Team, from left to right, Tisungane Howa (Director of School & Teacher Training Center), Jane Katera (School Assistant), Jane Jamu (Guava Teacher -9 to 12 year olds), Jane Kabambe (Mango Teacher- 6 to 9 year olds) & Hilda Mandota (Paw Paw Teacher- 2 1/2 to 6 year olds)

Our Malawi Montessori Christian School Team, from left to right, Tisungane Howa (Director of School & Teacher Training Center), Jane Katera (School Assistant), & Teachers- Jane Jamu (9 to 12 year olds), Jane Kabambe( 6 to 9 year olds) & Hilda Mandota (2 1/2 to 6 year olds)

And they love to laugh!

And they love to laugh!

Diploma students presenting about Dr. Maria Montessori in our Foundations of Montessori Education Course. They wrote seven papers regarding the fundamental principles of Montessori education. Their work was outstanding!

Diploma students presenting about Dr. Maria Montessori in our Foundations of Montessori Education Course. They wrote seven papers regarding the fundamental principles of Montessori education. Their work was outstanding!

Jane Kabambe reading Maria Montessori-Her Life and Work, with our youngest diploma candidate, her daughter, Monica.

Jane Kabambe reading Maria Montessori-Her Life and Work, with our youngest diploma candidate, her daughter, Monica.

OUr children are loving all the practice our diploma candidates need to do! Being a training center, expands what is possible for our students!

OUr children are loving all the practice our diploma candidates need to do! Being a training center, expands what is possible for our students!

Montessori Sensorial= Developing a mathematical mind! The constructive triangles allow children to experience geometry in a concrete way!

Montessori Sensorial= Developing a mathematical mind! The constructive triangles allow children to experience geometry in a concrete way!

Working on our teaching albums! Color, color, practice, practice, create, create, new jobs!

Working on our teaching albums! Color, color, practice, practice, create, create, new jobs!

These women are raising the bar for me!  To keep up with them is a lovely challenge!

These women are raising the bar for me! To keep up with them is a lovely challenge!

One week in February, we had 13 interns for a practical week of teaching! It was beautiful! Our children were enjoying demonstrating their skill and knowledge!

One week in February, we had 13 interns for a practical week of teaching! It was beautiful! Our children were enjoying demonstrating their skill and knowledge!

This July will mark Tisungane Howa's (left) third year in Montessori education. She is currently in our Montessori year-long diploma program. She is our Director of our School and Teacher Training Center. She is an extraordinary trainer. She spends the time to train teachers one to one with great love, patience and excellence. Thank you Tisu! We love you!

This July will mark Tisungane Howa's (left) third year in Montessori education. She is currently in our Montessori year-long diploma program. She is our Director of our School and Teacher Training Center. She is an extraordinary trainer. She spends the time to train teachers one to one with great love, patience and excellence. Thank you Tisu! We love you!


Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 in Uncategorized
Meet Kelsey Zeigler, ambassador of Jesus Christ. Kelsey, we love you! Thank you for your love and service to the children living on the street. Thank you for your love of the WAY Ministries Outreach Team. You are making a difference with guardians and children with special needs! You are a bright light shining in the darkness for God! I am so happy to have you on the team! love, mb

Meet Kelsey Zeigler , ambassador of Jesus Christ. Kelsey, we love you! Thank you for your love and service to the children living on the street. Thank you for your love of the WAY Ministries Outreach Team. You are making a difference with guardians and children with special needs! You are a bright light shining in the darkness for God! I am so happy to have you on the team! love, mb

Kelsey with our Director of Malawi Montessori Christian School & Teacher Training Center, Tisu Howa! We love you Tisu! And you are brilliant and lovely!

Kelsey with our Director of Malawi Montessori Christian School & Teacher Training Center, Tisu Howa! We love you Tisu! And you are brilliant and lovely!

A big kiss and zikomo to Lynn at Printer Palace for sponsoring our Easter Outreach by duplicating 11,000 books about God's love for the children of Ndirande and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pediatric wards. Lynn, my heart is full! May our Savior and King download His blessings upon you and your husband. love, maribeth

A big kiss and zikomo to Lynn at Printer Palace for sponsoring our Easter Outreach by duplicating 11,000 books about God's love for the children of Ndirande and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pediatric wards. Lynn, my heart is full! May our Savior and King download His blessings upon you and your husband. love, maribeth

Our Easter book was illustrated by four of our staff members! And it rocks! It is a children's coloring book of the Easter story and on the backside is a place for children to draw their pictures. It is a reminder of who they are in the Kingdom of God, as children of God. We are handing out packs of three crayons to go with the books. I don't who at Lakeside Church donated those 30,000 crayons, but I am sending you a BIG Malawian Kiss right now! May God bless you abundantly!

Our Easter book was illustrated by four of our staff members! And it rocks! It is a children's coloring book of the Easter story and on the backside is a place for children to draw their pictures. It is a reminder of who they are in the Kingdom of God, as children of God. We are handing out packs of three crayons to go with the books. I don't who at Lakeside Church donated those 30,000 crayons, but I am sending you a BIG Malawian Kiss right now! May God bless you abundantly!

Three Saturdays of Children's Ministry Training presented by Guthrie Bible Training Centre leaders has empowered Bible students, our ministry team, and local committed Christians, to share the love and truth of God this coming Saturday with 10,000 children in our Easter Outreach. Thank you Rev. Althea Meyer and your leadership team for your love and unwaivering commitment to the children.  Here the volunteers are folding books and worshipping on our last training day this past Saturday. Amen! Go Team Jesus!

Three Saturdays of Children's Ministry Training presented by Guthrie Bible Training Centre leaders has empowered Bible students, our ministry team, and local committed Christians, to share the love and truth of God this coming Saturday with 10,000 children in our Easter Outreach. Thank you Rev. Althea Meyer and your leadership team for your love and unwaivering commitment to the children. Here the students are folding books and worshipping on our last training day this past Saturday. Amen! Go Team Jesus!

Praise God for Richard, Praise and Patrick, leaders from Guthrie Bible Training Center, who presented the trainings. Here are the students preparing their lessons for Saturday's outreach! Praise God for Simon Nkhambala and Yamikani Tambala, our team leaders for our Easter Outreach. We love you guys! And so does Jesus!

Praise God for Richard, Praise and Patrick, leaders from Guthrie Bible Training Center, who presented the trainings. Here are the students preparing their lessons for Saturday's outreach! Praise God for Simon Nkhambala and Yamikani Tambala, our team leaders for our Easter Outreach. We love you guys! And so does Jesus!

James Arnold Machila, is our Director of Outreach. He oversees a staff of four Malawian leaders and one American missionary, Kelsey Zeigler. Please continue to pray for him. God has big plans for him. Thank you for those who sponsored his first of four years at Share World University here in Malawi. He is getting his BA in Business & Administration. He is going to school and working for our ministry. We are GREATLY BLESSED by this humble servant of Jesus. We love you James!

James Arnold Machila, is our Director of Outreach. He oversees a staff of four Malawian leaders and one American missionary, Kelsey Zeigler . Please continue to pray for him. God has big plans for him. Thank you for those who sponsored his first of four years at Share World University here in Malawi. He is getting his BA in Business & Administration. He is going to school and working for our ministry. We are GREATLY BLESSED by this humble servant of Jesus. We love you James!

Our Beautiful Malawian Outreach Team, from left to right, Abgail, Simon, James, Yamikani & Paul. God has brought us the most lovely people ever!

Our Beautiful Malawian Outreach Team, from left to right, Abgail, Simon, James, Yamikani & Paul. God has brought us the most lovely people ever!

Half our WAY Ministry Team! This is the Outreach Team! I will post pictures of our School & Teacher Training Center Team soon! peace and love, maribeth

Half of our WAY Ministry Team! This is the Outreach Team! I will post pictures of our School & Teacher Training Center Team soon! peace and love, maribeth

Our Teaching Team meets Cheryl & Lynn! Party at Mary & Kelsey's nyumba (house).

Our Teaching Team meets Cheryl & Lynn! Party at Mary & Kelsey's nyumba (house).

Celebrating Friendships & Love! Beginning of staff party! I love our team!

Celebrating Friendships & Love! Beginning of staff party! I love our team!

Thank you Lynn & Cheryl for your love and service!

Thank you Lynn & Cheryl for your love and service!

Thursday's preparation for Easter Saturday teaching, preaching and book distribution in Ndirande! Amen!

Thursday's preparation for Easter Saturday teaching, preaching and book distribution in Ndirande! Amen!

The kids helping prepare the books for the kids! Two of our team leaders on Saturday were 13 years of age! Right on!

The kids helping prepare the books for the kids! Two of our team leaders on Saturday were 13 years of age! Right on!

Our Easter Outreach Team Leaders, Yamikani Tambala (Director of Hospital Ministry) and Simon Nkhambala (Director of Children's Ministry). We love these men!  And they love Jesus!

Our Easter Outreach Team Leaders, Yamikani Tambala (Director of Hospital Ministry) and Simon Nkhambala (Director of Children's Ministry). We love these men! And they love Jesus!

Easter Saturday! 11,500 Children's Books about the Love of Jesus distributed (with three crayons each, praise God for our crayon people!) in Ndirande.

Easter Saturday! 11,500 Children's Books about the Love of Jesus distributed (with three crayons each, praise God for our crayon people!) in Ndirande.


Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 in Uncategorized

Finances March 1st, 2010-December 31th, 2010                                     (in Kwacha & Dollars) 

“For with God nothing will be impossible.”

This is a quote recorded by Luke, a physician, who writes a detailed account of the life of Jesus. This is a quote from an angel, yes an angel, who speaks to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Luke Chapter 1, verse 37.

Praise God, Who promised us self-sustainability in 9 months!!!!  Jesus, You are our Promise Keeper! You did it! I am in awe! Praise to the God who cares about every detail! He cares about every part of our lives- our relationships, our work, our finances, etc. etc. Our God reigns! And He is a great Dad! Zikomo Yesu! If you are doubting that God can do anything, call me. I will introduce you to the God who moves mountains for His children.

A special thank you and acknowledgement to our 25 year old financial accountant (smile) and Director of the Africa ABC Project, James Machila, who managed our financial books from March to December. James, we know how much work this was and we praise God for your integrity, perseverance, and love for Jesus!

Currently we do not have a computer based book keeping system, but our simple process of accounting is working for us until we can have the training and computer systems for something more current. Please email me if you would like to see our past budgets for 2010 or our current budgets outlined for 2011. Currently we are reconciling the books monthly and reporting our monthly budget results to the Board. It costs approximately between  2,500-2,800 US monthly for payroll, rent and operations (school, ABC, and training center budgets).

  CASHFLOW (From March 1, 2010- December 31, 2010)
Internship Trainings       115,000.00
Leadership & Montessori Training-August     225,000.00
Leadership & Montessori Training-December     580,000.00
Bible Truth Training          2,000.00
Donations from U.S.   2,881,443.64
Total Cash from Activities & Donations  3,803,443.64
Rentals       600,000.00
Salaries    1,669,000.00
General Maintenance        8,000.00
Snacks       112,100.00
Stationery       124,530.64
Ministry Metal Seal         65,000.00
Office Equipment       115,700.00
Waterbills          6,000.00
Toileteries         34,355.00
Staffs Lunch         10,000.00
Transport         58,850.00
AirTime       125,760.00
August Training Expenditure      119,854.00
Meeting Expenses          4,500.00
Paints(ABC)         17,500.00
ABC Allowance         88,000.00
Stipand          2,050.00
Late Salary Penalty       50,000.00
December Training Expenditure     136,120.00
Christmas Bonus         50,000.00
Total Expenses    3,397,319.64
Surplus January 1, 2011 (Praise God! He did it!)     406,124.00


  CASHFLOW (From March 1, 2010- December 31, 2010)
( A 150 Kwacha to $1.00 Dollar Exchange Rate is Represented)  
Internship Trainings             766.67
Leadership & Montessori Training-August        1,500.00
Leadership & Montessori Training-December        3,866.67
Bible Truth Training               13.33
Donations from U.S.        19,209.62
Total Cash from Activities & Donations       25,356.29
Rentals          4,000.00
Salaries         11,126.67
General Maintenance             53.33
Snacks             747.33
Stationery             830.20
Ministry Metal Seal             433.33
Office Equipment             771.33
Waterbills               40.00
Toileteries (cleaning items and toliet paper)           229.03
Staffs Lunch               66.67
Transport             392.33
AirTime (phones)             838.40
August Training Expenditure            799.03
Meeting Expenses               30.00
Paints(ABC)             116.67
ABC Allowance             586.67
Stipand               13.67
Late Salary Penalty           333.33
December Training Expenditure           907.47
Christmas Bonus             333.33
Total Expenses         22,648.79
Surplus January 1, 2011 (Praise God! He did it!)        2,707.50

Site design by Seth Sanders.