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Malawi Montessori Project » The Power of a Great Education
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Feb 8

The Power of a Great Education

Posted on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 in Uncategorized
Innocent hard at work on his English letter sounds!

Innocent hard at work on his English letter sounds!

Our beautiful children with their new school uniforms!

Our beautiful children with their new school uniforms!

Tisu Howa, our Direct of School & Teacher Training Center, learning how to use the computer & Microsoft Word

Tisu Howa, our Directer of School & Teacher Training Center, learning how to use the computer & Microsoft Word

Praise God for all of you and for the materials! Antioch Charter Academy (Kathy we love you!) & Debbie Sabatte! Zikomo!

Praise God for all of you and for the materials! Antioch Charter Academy (Kathy we love you!) & Debbie Sabatte! Zikomo!

Kids writing! They love school and all the work! Lifetime learners!

Kids writing! They love school and all the work! Lifetime learners!



Jane Katera (teaching assistant) and Hilda Mandota (teacher for Paw Paw, 2 1/2-6 year old class) preparing the environment for learning!

Jane Katera (teaching assistant) and Hilda Mandota (teacher for Paw Paw, 2 1/2-6 year old class) preparing the environment for learning!

You can count on Montessori math materials to teach children high level math concepts and develop in them a great love of mathematics.

You can count on Montessori math materials to teach children high level math concepts and develop in them a great love of mathematics.

All children will learn in an environment of love, gentleness and peace. We thank Jesus for establishing our school and teacher training center. It is our greatest joy to see these children bloom into intelligent, peaceful, learners and leaders! Amen!

All children will learn in an environment of love, gentleness and peace. We thank Jesus for establishing our school and teacher training center. It is our greatest joy to see these children bloom into intelligent, peaceful, learners and leaders! Amen!

God bless you Kathy Estrada's Class and Antioch Charter Academy 1 for the flipflops! They were a great blessing to our children! I wish you could have heard the cheers of excitement! Someone delivered donated clothes to our children the same day. God downloaded blessings upon these kids who have very little material items, but are very rich in faith!

God bless you Kathy Estrada's Class and Antioch Charter Academy 1 for the flipflops! They were a great blessing to our children! I wish you could have heard the cheers of excitement! Someone delivered donated clothes to our children the same day. God downloaded blessings upon these kids who have very little material items, but are very rich in faith!



Shoes for everyone!

Shoes for everyone!

Kelsey teaching the Bible! Kelsey and Becca have been a great blessing to our school and to the Africa ABC Project Team. They have jumped in with two feet. What amazing women they are! So brave and loving! Amen!

Kelsey teaching the Bible! Kelsey and Becca have been a great blessing to our school and to the Africa ABC Project Team. They have jumped in with two feet. What amazing women they are! So brave and loving! Amen!

Our team lunch and party this past Friday! It was so awesome! Video of dancing and singing coming soon! My heart is full! I love my team! I am so blessed!

Our team lunch and party this past Friday! It was so awesome! Video of dancing and singing coming soon! My heart is full! I love my team! I am so blessed!

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