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Aug 20

Our Diploma Program-Practicum!

Posted on Monday, August 20, 2012 in Uncategorized


A special thank you to Hilda Mandota, who leads Paw Paw class and assists me and our diploma students in the practicum program. Hilda!  We love you and appreciate you!

A special thank you to Hilda Mandota, who leads Paw Paw class and assists me and our diploma students in the practicum program. Hilda! We love you and appreciate you!

Practice! Practice! Practice! Here are our diploma students at work practicing their new learning and skills with the children at our school. It is an extra blessing for our children at our school to have additional teachers to guide their learning. Hilda Mandota, who is our main Paw Paw Teacher (our 2 1/2- 6 year old class) has been instrumental in helping me with the diploma students this year. I could not supervise teachers and run the practicum program without her. Hilda! Zikomo! Zikomo! Zikomo! Great things are happening!
Maria and Caroline sorting student materials!

Maria and Caroline sorting student materials! Look at those smiles! Love you two!

Having our diploma students work during class time with our students really multiplies learning for our children!

Having our diploma students work during class time with our students really multiplies learning for our children!

Marcela teaching land, air and water and what creatures live where!

Marcela teaching land, air and water and what creatures live where!

Narzana working with Joshua on his  Montessori Word Building!

Narzana working with Joshua on his Montessori Word Building!

Jane Kabambe with one of our Paw Paw students! Parts of a seed lesson.

Jane Kabambe with one of our Paw Paw students! Parts of a seed lesson.

Bhavya working with Wisdom on number rods.

Bhavya working with Wisdom on number rods.

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