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Jul 4

Redistribution of Wealth – Malawi Garage Sale Fundraiser

Posted on Sunday, July 4, 2010 in Uncategorized
“Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.” ~Psalm 82:3
Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the oppressor;
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow. ~Isaiah 1:17
These are the things that matter to God. I believe faith in God is about love in action. I believe faith is about social justice. I believe that demonstrating God’s love, compassion, grace and justice  is a natural evolution and a natural expression of a relationship with God. Jesus, God’s Son, is a radical lover of people and a revolutionary for love, justice, mercy and grace. That’s why I love Him.

We made $1509.00 for the children of Malawi in less than 7 hours, selling donated items at a garage sale.  I continue to have these garage sales because I get to see God show up and do what He does best – love people and deliver on the unexpected. Zikomo Yesu! Tata Goza!




Cleaning Up! Not much left! Yeah!

Cleaning Up! Not much left! Yeah!












Some Highlights & Thank Yous

Iman, a 9 ½ year old neighbor, who gave me her savings and volunteered folding clothes + at our sale!

(It makes me cry over and over again, how many children approach me to offer their allowances, savings, toys and books for the children in Malawi. ~Zikomo Michelle, Christopher, Jouelle + many more!)

My mom putting pink garage sale signs up with me at 4 a.m. To our lunch deliver and money counter!

Gary, I did not run over your foot! (smile)

A sweet older man (80+) came back to our garage sale a second time on Saturday. I teased him and asked, “What did you find so irresistible that you had to come back for?” He replied, “You.” Now that guy is a keeper! I wonder if he has a son. (smile)

99% of life is showing up! (especially at 6 a.m.) Zikomo Laura & Patty! You guys encourage me soooo!

Best Organizer & Serious Mess Straightener award goes to Cindy D.

Most Enthusiastic award goes to Lynn M, who continues to win this award over and over again!

Most Energy and Can Do It in 1 Minute or Less Award- Deb D. No one will ever be more delightful! 

Best Salesperson- Betty V.  I was in the presence of the master!  

Sheila!  I know you love us! Thanks for the advertising!

Our generous neighborhood! To the Preserve!

Deb and Iman! We were too busy to take many pictures!

Deb and Iman! We were too busy to take many pictures!












Thank you to all the people who prayed for us- too many to list! ( 2 Tee, always Annie, & Ann D!)


Mike & Melissa- I think you got some of the stuff from Lance Armstrong! – Classy!

Diane & Mike- Thanks for the big items!

Mark & Angel- Great kids stuff

Charlotte- great fan + a whole lot more !

Janice- your past check!

Kim McV- you rock! Thank the boys for their videos!

Bob and Ann- To see your beautiful faces! Thanks for 4th of July things!

Salwa & Friends!- prayers and donations

Joyce- beautiful art pieces

Kelly- more kids stuff

Kelsey- for donations & prayers

Truck Driver with great patience and style- Jim (Zikomo Janine for loaning him out!)

Thanks for the tables Brandon!

And a whole lot more people who helped in small and big ways! Zikomo to all!  Love, Maribeth

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