Praying on Top of Mount Soche
- View of Mount Soche From the House
The Mountain
Friday we had a holiday so I hiked to the top of Mount Soche to pray. The mountain is a mountain of prayer. Individuals and church groups go up the mountain and stop on the side of a hill or in the rock outcroppings and worship, pray, and listen to their pastor preach. When you hike the mountain you can hear people praying and singing the whole way up. My friend, Annansa, and I hiked to the top to pray. I thought you all might enjoy seeing the pictures from the top!

On our way up!

Almost there!

View from the Top!

Another View!

Going to spend the night up here when I return to Malawi!

Last View! Everyone knows how much I love a Great View!
The Ministry
Thank you for your love and support. Malawi Wa Yesu Ministry is amazing. We have four elements, each led by a Malawian leader: Christian Leadership and Teaching for Adults, the Malawi Montessori Christian School (June 7th=serving 60 children) and Teacher Training Center, The Africa ABC Project and Zikomo Yesu Enterprises (our business develop NGO, dedicated to establishing income generating activities to sustain the ministry). These things are wonderful, but what is even more unprecedented are the people. The staff of eleven are gentle, powerful, creative, dedicated and humble Malawians who are committed to what God wants to achieve through them in this community.
The Africa ABC Team, under the leadership of Director, James Machila, have an additional team meeting weekly. We have just begun Bibles for Kids Program. Simon Nkhambala is leading this as our Children’s Ministry Outreach Teacher. The children are earning their own children’s bible with pictures in Chichewa by memorizing 20 scripture passages! Wakonza! Here is the picture of the team in deliberations (smile). Had to make the ladies smile for the picture! Thank you all for your support! God is doing great things and we are just happy to be on His team. Love, Maribeth

Africa ABC Team Meeting after school. This team rocks!
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