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Malawi Montessori Project » Love and Learning: Acts III Montessori School
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Aug 16

Love and Learning: Acts III Montessori School

Posted on Saturday, August 16, 2008 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your prayers and love! The children are learning respect, responsibility, and how to care for themselves and the world around them! We are a Christian Montessori School here at Acts III and the children are being taught to love people beyond their own capacities. Galatians 5:23 They made watercolor pictures for two sick women in the community and we delivered them on Friday. One of the women in particular was so touched by the children’s gift. This is what Montessori education is all about. And this is what it is to love God.

Here are some pictures of our learning! Music is a huge part of the culture of Malawi. The children’s favorite song is “This Little Light of Mine”. I make up songs for everything, which brings great humor to my teaching assistants! The Malawian National Anthem is beautiful. We sing it each morning. It goes like this: “Oh God bless our land of Malawi. Keep it a land of peace. Put down each and every enemy: hunger, disease, envy. Join our hearts together each and everyone so that we will be free from fear. And bless our leaders each and everyone and mother Malawi.”

Every time I sing this I am so moved, because I am committed to this. Our teacher training begins September 5th and run for four consecutive Fridays. We will present Montessori materials and philosophy to orphan care workers and teachers. We will have them make materials to bring back to the children they serve here in the community of Ndirande. Please pray for us. There are many threats to children here. Sickness, poverty, and people who would take advantage of them. Ndirande is a town with many bars and people escape hunger and sadness in various ways. Children are in danger in many ways. Please pray for the completion of the Children’s Home. Construction is ongoing, but if we do not finish before the rainy season (mid November) construction will be halted. Continued funding is needed to finish. Please go to www.acts3.org to see the construction pictures. I’d love to see children have a safe home for Christmas.

Seems like that would be the biggest gift of all. At our school we continue to lay the foundation of the larger school that will exist when the 96 orphans are living here. Our first class of students will be the leaders as we add new children to the school. They love school!

Thank you for all you are doing! I feel your prayers and love all the way in Malawi

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