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May 6

Our Kids r Amazing! Thank you for investing in their futures!

Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2010 in Uncategorized

Our children are preparing to welcome 15-20 new students to our school this June! We are working with our community partners to receiving referrals for identified needy children within the town of Ndirande. We are going to be adding children from a single parent home or children who are with a guardian because of the loss of both parents.  These are the most vulnerable of the children here, though so many children are in need.

Our Malawian team and I are encouraged by your prayers and support as we seek to develop leaders through love, truth, and a dynamic Montessori Christian education!  Some pictures of our amazing kids this week! 

Kids with our two interns completing practical teaching experience!

Kids with our two interns completing practical teaching experience!

Kids reviewing planets with Tisu!  They love cultural studies!

Kids reviewing planets with Tisu! They love cultural studies!

Our beautiful hall!  We rent this space weekly and pack up the entire school each Friday! But God has given us room to expand!

Our beautiful hall! We rent this space weekly and pack up the entire school each Friday! But God has given us room to expand!

We serve 15 2 1/2 to 5 year olds at our school and 295 through our Africa ABC Project weekly!

We serve 15 2 1/2 to 5 year olds at our school and 295 through our Africa ABC Project weekly!

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