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Malawi Montessori Project » Malawi March 2010 Impact Team Results! Zikomo!
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Apr 5

Malawi March 2010 Impact Team Results! Zikomo!

Posted on Monday, April 5, 2010 in Uncategorized


  Acknowledging Team Leader Cheri Wieland!

Acknowledging Love & Commitment of Team Leader- Cheri Wieland

Zikomo to my Friends & Family! Thank you for making this happen!

The March Impact Team came and contributed in mighty ways to our work here in Malawi. On behalf of myself, our Malawian staff, our Malawian partners, and MWAY Ministries here in Malawi, I want to thank the March Impact Team prayer supporters and financial sponsors for sending this amazing team to me! You sent a Special OPs team and they accomplished real results and a new future for children with physical challenges in two intense weeks.

 They demonstrated God’s love in words and action. If you haven’t seen the first in a series of videos regarding their impact, please click on this YouTube address:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsDP8hrI2-o

Again and again Jesus Christ spoke about the Kingdom of God (i.e. Kingdom of Heaven). “Kingdom” is a word formed from the word “King” and the word “dominion”.  “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”~Matthew 6:10

This is how God’s Son, Jesus Christ, taught His followers to pray.

God’s kingdom exists on earth, among the people of God, much like an embassy within a foreign country. This embassy contains the operating principles, culture, and people of that country within a foreign land.  For Christians we know this earth is not our home. We are simply ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) sharing about our King and our country with others in the form of love in action.

Many people question, “If this God exists and He is good, where is He in the midst of the injustice, violence, and tragedy that happens to people in the world? Where is He as we face a personal crisis or challenge?”  He is here to provide solutions, strength, peace and wisdom for all who seek Him through His Spirit and through those who truly know Him.

When God’s children do God’s will in spirit and truth, then God’s kingdom resides among us in real time and space. Thank you Malawi March Team! You took it up a notch! We are committed to continuing what you have begun. We were blessed by you all!

XXOO Love, Maribeth

P.S. A special acknowledgement to my family,  I  am able to serve here in Malawi because of them. Mike, Melissa, Mark, Angel, Maya, Chandi, Sage, Luke, Cort, Tee and Mom! I love you and am so blessed by you all!  Tee and Mom thanks for all the goodies and books and organizing all the details in U.S. 

Malawi March 2010 Team Results

Team: Cheri Wieland, Jan Cookson, Melynda Adragna, Kim McVean,

(Occupational & Physical Therapists) Jim House & Ann Delagnes (Media Team) 

Jan in action!

Jan in action!











Items Transported by the Team to Malawi: (Can’t believe they made the weight limit!)

  • School Materials:

200 children’s books (K-4th), 1 Litnet Early Literacy Program, & tons of practical life materials, pencils, colored pencils, stickers, ziplock bags (for our book IGA), and construction paper (and so much more!) for our school.  And special teas and sugar and chocolate for our Malawian staff and ministry partners! They are really crazy about tea here!

  • Teaching Materials:

1 Portable DVD Training Player, 11 Teaching Resource Books (Love & Logic, Conservation, etc), 30 Christian Resource Books & Study Guides, etc.

  • Specialized Materials & Resources:

OT/PT therapy equipment (4 therapy balls, 2 peanut balls, 7 beach balls, 5 mats, 1 wedge, 1 seat cushion, 2 splints, 20 blankets (Thanks Brenda!!!), 1 foot brace, 1 parachute, 1 pack bubbles & plastic silverware, 1 swing, 20 notebooks, pens, stickers, balloons, and 3 trunk supports), 4 Copies of Disabled Children Village Guide and one extra purchased in Chichewa!, etc.

Team Accomplishments:(They hit the ground running! No slackers on this team!)


Presenting 3 Different Two-Day, Hands-on Trainings! 3 DVD Training Videos in the works!

Kim in action!

Kim in action!











  • Chikondi Orphan Care & Disability Center: 20 parents trained & 20 Children assisted with practical hands on training in physical therapy. Four teachers (one of our staff members) and 1 director trained in physical therapy. Two parent coordinators chosen, who will be evaluated by and paid a small stipend by MWAY to continue coordinating therapy. We are praying to find and pay the salary of a half-time pediatric physical or occupational therapist to assist Chikondi and Feed the Children. Special therapy equipment donated to Chikondi as well. (Thank you to the Director of Chikondi-Josephina Mussa)
Parents & Children at Chikondi (Chikondi means Love in Chichewa)

Parents & Children at Chikondi (Chikondi means Love in Chichewa)













Christina, (great name!)one of our parent coordinators!


Our new parent coordinator-Christina!


Vusi, volunteer at center, trained to provide on-going leadership

Vusi, volunteer at center, trained to provide on-going leadership











  • Cure International Orthopedic Hospital (a hospital providing free surgeries to children with orthopedic issues): 45 rehab specialists/techs trained in two specialty areas. (Strokes, Shoulder Lesions) Specialists like our team members and special trainings are rare here.  They were a complete inspiration and blessing to these hardworking specialists/techs from the surrounding area. CURE International is a Christian hospital preaching the gospel by their care and sharing. They are the largest orthopedic research hospital in Sub-Saharan Africa. This team was celebrated and many great relationships established. Thank you Carla Palmer & Stewart Palmer! It is our honor to serve with you. Training video will be forth coming!
Training at Cure Hospital

Training at Cure Hospital










Our Team at Cure!

Our Team at Cure!











  • Feed the Children-Malawi (serving as a rehabilitation center for children with physical and cognitive challenges): The team trained 26 parents and assisted 26 children and trained approximately 15 teachers and tecs(including three of our staff members and the rehab director of FTC) in Sensory Integration and Neurological Development. (Thank you to the director of Rehab at Feed the Children-Joyce Kasamba) A special spontaneous small group training for parents of children with autism by Kim McVean, who identified and met the need!(You better be working on that book!-Hee! Hee!)  Rock on all of you! Training video will be forthcoming!


Parents learning how to help their children! Amen!

Parents learning how to help their children! Amen!










Training Malawian Rehabilitation Techs

Training Malawian Rehabilitation Techs












Jane Kabambe, our staff member, practicing new skills.

Jane Kabambe, our staff member, practicing new skills.













What they Left Behind:

  • Three Training Videos: Ann Delagnes and Jim House spent most of their trip filming and editing! Ann is spending one more week here in Malawi to finish the editing of these videos which will be used for ongoing training! Yahoo!


Annie in action!

Annie in action!









Jim in action! Media guy takes a break to love on the kids!

Jim in action! Media guy takes a break to love on the kids!













  • Kwacha! : This team saved money and donated it to MWAY Ministries in support on the on-going programs: Malawi Montessori Christian School, Christian Leadership Development, Africa ABC Project (including our Outreach to Children with Physical Disabilities and on-going coordination of trainings and investment in parent leaders.) Jim House, our financial guy, will give you the final number, but it is between 300-500 dollars. Zikomo!


  • Trained parents and professionals to continue the work the team began.


  • A new reality of acceptance and love- a hope and a future- for the children with special needs! You broke through the myths, prejudices and stereotypes by modeling love and acceptance. You trained, educated, inspired and encouraged parents, children and professionals here in Malawi. Your impact has just begun! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus and being willing to say, “Yes” when Jesus called your name.
Melynda in action!

Melynda in action!











  • Great relationships & a future of working again with those who are interceding for the children of Malawi!


I am proud to call you my friends!  May God be glorified in all you said and did and we pray that He will continue to send people to stand in the gap for the least of these, both in the U.S. and Malawi. Love, Maribeth

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