Making a Difference in Malawi! Thank you Heather and Sandy!
Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for sending Heather and Sandy to me! Thank you for the perfect items in their luggage- all the books, CDs, art materials, Jesus materials and chocolate! Thank you Kim Yeager!!! You rock! I feel completely adored that Lakeside would visit me here in Malawi. It is an honor for all the pastors, teachers, and staff here to have my church visit Acts III. I have submersed Heather and Sandy in Malawian culture and all the activities of the ministry here. Each day is very full. They are witnessing the poverty, addiction, and hunger here in my village of Ndirande as well as the joy, peace, and hope that comes with faith in God. They have met the Christian leaders and community development leaders that are committed to making a difference for the orphans and have been inspired. But it is the children of Malawi that will leave an impression on your heart and mind that you will never forget.
Relationships are what God loves and values and through relationships He will fulfill His plan for His children who go to bed with no family, no food, no protection and no proper clothing. Here in Malawi, people will walk by a beggar in the street just like we walk right pass a homeless person on the street in California. Why don’t we stop? Why aren’t we willing to risk awkwardness and embarrassment, to face our fears, to be inconvenienced, in order to do something to love them in word or deed? Do we not have time to say hello, to find out their name so we can pray for them, to give them a sandwich, to shake their hand, to somehow, someway make them feel less alone, less rejected, less frightened? Please plan to stop next time. Plan it out. Carry an extra granola bar an extra coffee and extra jacket. Prepare yourself, gather your courage and deliver it. I have never had a bad response when I have approached someone in this way. It will change your life and change the course of your future. Matthew 25:35-40.
Love, Maribeth
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